Friday, May 29, 2009

News on Us... and ALEXIS!

Memorial day weekend we headed up to spend the weekend in Caseville.  Tete, Tim & Cathy all joined us, it was really alot of fun.  The weather was so nice and Jacob was so excited for Alexis to have her first trip to the cottage.  She also had her first shopping trip with Doe, Tete, Aunt Cathy & Mommy on Saturday 5.23.09 and her first sponge bath at home (well the cottage) on 5.24.09. After we returned it was back to a stressful, chaotic and crazy week of packing!! Luckily my WONDERFUL friends from work delievered home cooked dinners every night... and they were so yummy! Greg said the chicken parmigian was better than any restaurant can make and he wanted every recipe (yeah like I can replicate those things... NOT).  On Tuesday (5.26.09) evening we decided I should take Alexis to the night owl because her umblicial cord was discharging alot, had a funny odor and just didn't look right (neither Jacob's or Grace's ever had this type of an issue).  My Mom said it looked like an earth worm was crawling out (which we were later told was an artery).  Dr. Kalo caterized it and said it was good I brought her in otherwise we would have had a "problem" with it.  It looked so much better when she was done with it. 
Come Wednesday (5.27.09) she had lost her umbilical cord (well actually I cut the lose part off, Dr. Kalo was going to do it but once it was actually hanging I took it into my own hands).
Thursday brought more issues... we were completely moved out completely and had filled our third pod (yes... it was a bit smaller than the other two!!) and we discovered Grace's 2 year molars on the bottom.  They looked like they might had come in a few days prior.  She had been a bit whiny, clingy and has had her hands in her mouth for days... and had been sleeping in till 10 am!! BUT... I wasn't sure what it was... the move, the baby... the teeth???  This kids also took pictures in every single room of our house.  We were just going to do them in their rooms, but Jacob insisted we do EVERY room! Goofy kid!  
On Friday we wrapped up our week! Alexis had her 2 week visit with Dr. S.  She said Lexie looked good.  She now weighed 8 lbs 3 oz.  She cleaned up her cord a bit and gave her the ok to have a real bath.  (Thank GOD!)  She has been such an angel... so good and so calm! After her appointment we headed to our closing.  I cried the whole way there... and couldn't help but drive by our house twice!  We know it is what is best for our whole family, and knew it had to come to this since we were just out growing it, but it didn't make it any easier!  We will miss our first home like crazy and still feel a little lost with this whole move thing.  I hope the kids will be ok... so much going on in their little lives.  Its just too many emotions...what we are glad about is a very nice young couple bought our home. Both of them and their realtor were full of compliments at the closing about our home, its cleanliness, the decor (she said I should be a decorator!), our family, the karma our house gives off, and so much more.  They were so happy with how clean we left things for them... (in all honesty we didn't even have time to clean up like we would have wanted too. She made us feel so good about ourselves and really made us feel how right this should feel.  Once we were done and signed I realized that I wanted to give them our email and phone number in case they needed somthing... so I drove back by.  Their realtor was there, not them. She again made me feel so good... she was just amazed at how well we did in the timeline with a 2 week old baby... I felt a true sense of accomplishment at how much WE had done in the last couple of weeks. After we left Greg said he had heard that Quicken (where Greg works and the couple had their loan) had reached a record for one months time, of 3 billion dollars... it was reached at the same time we signed... its our thought it was our house that pushed it over the top.  Greg hopes that his bonus will be extra big... thanks to our sale! 
We feel glad that the packing and moving stress is behind us.  That we can go on and focus on Alexis... and Jacob & Grace.  It is a relief yet still sad that Jo-Ed will no longer house the Kohl's. One thing that makes me so happy is to know that all three of my children had the chance to come home to the same house, and enjoy our lives there... even if it was for just a short time.  They all were able to live in a house built by their grandpa, how many people can say that?  

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