Monday, May 4, 2009

Doctors & Ultrasound Appointment!

Today I had two "events" on the calendar after taking Jacob to nursery school and running errands with my girl Gracie! I saw Dr. Torok this afternoon... it was pretty uneventful.  I have not gained any weight since last Thursday and baby sounded great! My blood pressure was even pretty good for "me".  My only issue is the crazy painful right groin pain I've been having.  It has been literally stopping me in my tracks when I'm walking. I've never had this type of pain before and Dr. Torok thinks it is just baby's positioning... but I wish it would go away! I was checked and am now a solid 2 cm dilated and my cervix is 1 cm long. Dr. Torok told me not to sneeze if I don't want to have the baby before the 15th... I know he was kidding, but I did find it a bit funny.  They want to see me back on Friday... and then hopefully I'll have just one more appointment early next week before my induction! 

Then later in the afternoon I had an ultrasound to check the baby's growth.  Greg met me up there and... although I'm measuring small baby is doing just fine in there! She is head down, still looks just like Gracie did in ultrasounds, and is weighing 6.8 lbs (+/- .5 lbs) YIKES!! Like I told the technician... she better get out then, because I don't "do" higher than 7 lbs! I still have 1.5 weeks left and they say they can gain .5 lbs in a week, SO that would put her at about 7.8 lbs at birth if she waits till the 15th.  I'm getting excited but with all that we have going on... I'd rather her be cooking on the inside. YES... my body is starting to feel the effects of all of this but I'd rather feel like this than sleep deprived and moving, so please baby stay inside!!

As far as names go... if you ask Jacob he'll tell you her name.  BUT... we really haven't decided fully on what her name will be... we have new options everyday.  And even today Jacob added Katelyn to his list! (His girlfriend at nursery school!)

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