Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BIG Update!

Whew... it has been a busy, busy weekend!
On Friday I had a doctor's visit with Dr. Mikula. Everything is pretty much the same although I am now 2-3 cm dilated and 50% effaced (Since this is not my first pregnancy I most likely will not efface any more before delivery). Blood pressure believe it or not is actually pretty good and my weight gain is 0 since last time. Friday the kids again spent the night at my Mom's. It was a very quiet night... we thought we would be packing but instead we just hung out and relaxed... I think it has been nice for them to spend some nights there since next weekend they will be there all weekend long!
All weekend we were off and on again with the move. As a matter of fact come Saturday we thought it was completely off so we did some MAJOR house cleaning, only to find out Sunday they sent another counter offer! We still do not have definite answer as to when we can start packing, but we do know that they really want our house and hope to close by May 29th. We did order a pod which should be delivered on Friday the 15th. Hopefully soon we will everything signed and have verficiation of their funds, then the packing can begin!!
It was a nice weekend of holidays for us. Sunday was Mother's day... we were able to have breakfast with my Mom, Tim & Cathy. Then Greg watched the kids for their nap while my Mom & I went to visit with my Grandma & Aunt (two more important mothers!). Then we concluded the night with a BBQ at the Kohl's with the entire Kohl family. It was alot of fun!!
Monday was my 30th birthday... it was very weird... just like any other day! I took Jacob to school, napped in the afternoon and my Aunt came to visit at my Mom's (just like EVERY Monday!) I don't feel much different, just very pregnant! The kids were very good all day for me and sang Happy Birthday MANY times! I told Greg our house is starting to look like a funeral home... Saturday while we were at Costco Jacob & Grace bought me yellow roses (yellow with green leaves and stems, so it had both of their favorite colors in one!) Then yesterday Greg brought me home purple daisies.
Today (Tuesday) I had my LAST doctors visit... with Dr. Perry! Yet again very un-eventful. I had no weight gain, blood pressure looked good and I'm still about 2-3 cm dilated. We talked about my induction for Friday. I still can't believe we are this close to having our third child!!
I think that is all the updates for now... sorry to lump them all in but we have been so busy that I haven't had much time to sit and type! Keep your fingers crossed we hear something soon about our house and can start packing... AND that this baby makes a smooth and quick entrance on Friday!

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