Friday, May 15, 2009

Alexis' Birth Story!

On Friday, May 15th Greg and I had woken up (well to be perfectly honest I had woken up WAY before Greg! I had a hard time sleeping and finally just decided to get up and do somethings around the house!) we headed to the hospital for our 8 am induction.  Upon arrival they did a quick ultrasound to be sure the baby was still head down.  I have had 3 inductions and they never did this! There were 3 nurses there and we were talking about the baby... I told them I had an ultrasound last week (since I was measuring small) and the baby was 6.8 lbs, I worried about her size (being too big).  They all told me they didn't think she was big... no bigger than 7 lbs or so. After the ultrasound my nurse came to get me... and strangely enough it was the same nurse who delivered Gracie!! I was also suppose to have the same doctor (Dr. Torok) granted I delivered by 1 or so.  Then she walked us to our room.... LDR # 4, the same room as with GRACE too! :)  I was checked initally and still determined to be 2-3 cm dilated 50% effaced. I had my IV started around 9 and they also did some routine blood work then.  Around 9:15 I was put on pitocin and Bets arrived and then at 9:40 Dr. Delacruz (an inhouse doctor) broke my water.  Dr. Torok wasn't suppose to be there that early (it was his daughter's birthday that day too) so I didn't mind her doing it! It took a bit for her to get it and it was the most I remember that hurting! After my water was broken I was again checked and was about 3 cm. Dr. Torok came in to talk briefly with me and said he'd be back after a scheduled c-section.  When he came back they checked me and I was still about a 3.  We talked about me getting an epidural when it came to that point.  They asked my pain level on a scale of 1 to 10.  I said maybe a 1.  They said when it got to be a 4 to talk about medication.  I called for my nurse Peggy at around 11 and asked what the verdict was on an epidural.  I mainly wanted one to speed things along, she said she'd check me and when she did I was 4 cm so I could get one if I was ready... I was! I called for them and they came at around 11:30.  By noon I was 4-5cm dilated and had my epidural.  My contractions had started to get very intense around then so I was glad I got it... by this time my pitocin was already at a 13 (out of 20) and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart and off the charts in strength.  During this time Dr. Chu had become on call and arrived to check me around 12:30.  She confirmed I was at 6 cm and she wanted the nurse to empty my bladder with a foley and use the ball to turn the baby since she was still pretty high up and transverse facing the right.  Peggy got the cath and emptied my bladder.  Then around 1:20 she put the ball in between my legs... within seconds of her doing this I started to feel like I had to push.  I told Peggy and she said well can I run to the bathroom first?   She had decided to check me real quick before heading to the bathroom. After she did she said... no time for that! I was complete and ready to push! Dr. Chu was called in and I was told to do a "practice push".  I started to push and then they said to STOP.  Baby's head was already out.  One more little push and the shouders came out... that was it Alexis was born by 1:27 pm! Dr. Chu said the baby felt very heavy and she thought she was over 9 lbs! I was floored!! I then made a comment and they said not to say it too loudly or I might get beat up I said... "I hate to even say it but that didn't even really hurt!" Dr. Chu said I should make a video and that I shouldn't stop since I was a champion and did such a super job! She even mentioned that I would most likely be able to leave the next day since the delivery was so good.  After the delivery when I was getting ready to deliver the placenta I had the same thing happen that happened with Grace.... something huge fell out onto the ground, with a big KERSPLAT! Luckily the "audience" had just went over to see the baby so no one got splashed except Dr. Chu.  She said she had never seen anything like that... we had! With Gracie!!! She said well at least I was consistent! It was the biggest baby we had at 8.2 lbs and 20 1/4 inches long but the easiest delivery!! Aside from Greg... my Mom, Aunt & Peen were all there to see Alexis Elizabeth be born! Our waiting room crowd included big brother Jacob, Bets, Pa, Mimi, Bubba, & Cam.  Our second little girl looks just like her big sister at birth, except a little chubbier! She is beautiful! After delivery it went unnoticed that my epidural was still in and it stayed in for about another 1.5 hours.  I was very numb but we took the chance and moved me over to the recovery room 3947.  I felt very good and was so excited that Alexis was already nursing and doing so well with it! Lexie had her first bath when we got over there... loved the hair washing, HATED the bath part! She, just like big sister, LOVED the warming lamp after! That night we had tons of visitors! Aside from our day group we also had Gracie, Gigi, Christi, Uncle Tim, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Al, Aunt Courtney, Andrea, Andy & Conrad! It was such a nice night! Everyone left around 9:00 and we began to settle in for the night.  She had eaten a few times and we decided we needed some rest after the lond day so we sent her to the nursery around midnight.  I had a hard time sleeping after she left I was sweating in the bed and kept worrying about someone taking her! At about 6 am she returned and the nurse said she had to wake her up at 4 am to feed her! I was so happy to have her back.  During the night she had her hep vaccine as well.  The next day we had a busy day with newborn pictures, her hearing test and a few visits from family!  I was so relieved to be going home... all the doctors & nurses agreed that since everything went so smooth and we both were looking so good, why stay!!! WHO actually likes to stay, right?  I'd much rather be in my own bed and with my other children too!! I missed Jacob & Grace like crazy! By 2:20 pm (only 25 hours after the baby was born) we were discharged! As we got Alexis (whom I keep wanting to call Gracie!) ready she was all bundled up and good to go when BAM... she had a massive explosion in her pants so we had to get her back out and change her!
We came home, Greg rested and then we headed to Doe's to see the kids and get dinner.  Jacob and Grace are so in love with Alexis.  They want to hold her all the time! Jacob talks with her and says "Don't worry baby sister, I'm here".  She immediately stops crying when she hears him! He has been SO impressive with her especially given the amount of sleep he has been going on! I'm so proud of him! Such a huge difference from when I had Grace.  He understands and is so loving and caring to her... he doesn't want her to cry or be upset.  He even says to me "Nothing in your belly anymore Mom!". I just love him and his big brother self! I knew Grace would love her... and she does! So far she is the perfect baby... she hardly cries, loves to eat and is just so content! We are just settling in for night number 2, NIGHT!

On a side note a friend of mine from college was there and had her baby the same day Lexie was born! Claire Elise was born the same day later that evening! Congrats Yvonne & Bryan!! 

Alexis will return to the doctor on Monday just to be rechecked for weight (she weighed 7.9 lbs at home) and jaundice since she left so quickly! I don't mind a bit!! 

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