Friday, May 22, 2009

Baby, Moving... & MORE!

We have had so much going on in the last week I feel like I cannot even keep up. Alexis is one week old today... and it is also my due date! She is such an awesome baby... she only cries when she is hungry and boy does she let you know it! She has been left outside (by Doe) and downstairs (by Mommy) because she is so good we forgot she was even there! I have been blessed with her good nature... I seriously think she is the calmest baby yet so alert, that I have seen in a while! Jacob & Grace were good too, but I think that her being the 3rd she just knows she has to be, well... what she has to be! She was back in on Tuesday for jaundice and her level was at 10.8. They wanted her weight and billi rechecked on Thursday but when I took her (yes I drove her too... 1-2 weeks of no driving didn't last long for me! WAY too inconvient... and I was out of willing "chauffers") in to Dr. Kalo she said her color looked better and there was no need to recheck the billi. On Thursday she weighed 7 lbs 12 oz! She has the cutest little chubby cheeks! I've never had a chubby baby till now and I am just in love with my little MICHELIN baby! :)
With all the newness of Alexis we are also braving this two week move. Thank god Greg has the week off and also we feel blessed to have some very "helpful" helpers! Al has graciously stepped up to help us haul and move things AGAIN! (we owe you bigtime AL!). My mom has also been a HUGE help and we know her house (where we are moving too) has suffered greatly since things are just being "dumped" there! We have also had a handful of helpers that have helped us with taking care of the packing, kid care, and Mommy care (yes... my blood pressure has been a wreck this week... worse than it was when I was pregnant this time around!). I'm trying to "take it easy" so I don't lose any insides (like I've been told can happen) but it is near impossible when since I can't lift boxes I'm usually the one watching, lifting, and helping out three other SMALL children! I'm very frustrated, overwhelmed and drained, to say the least. I feel like everytime I go back in there is more to pack and do (it is multiplying like spaghetti). Last night since the beds were suppose to be gone we took the kids for the first night at our new place... Doe's. The were excited, we had popcorn, took baths (another neglected task lately) and had a nice rest! (Alexis has been doing awesome with sleeping at night!). It was our first night here (well the kids & I, Greg stayed back to do some of his odds and ends in the means of moving) and too be honest I feel "homeless". My stuff is everywhere, yet nowhere when I need it. I have visitors and don't know where to tell them to sit and hold the baby. I woke up today to realize my deoderant was still at the old house. I feel pretty lost... and needless to say I've lost it a few times! I cried the whole way back from our visit to get my deoderant and check on Daddy and mainly because I feel lost and overwhelmed. We still have so much to put into our SECOND pod and I don't see an end to the packing. I hate chaos and that is my life right now. I feel sad thinking that my home... is no longer "my home", our neighbors (goofy as they are) are no longer "our neighbors", our yard... well you get the picture. Am I crazy?? I cry thinking that I won't see the rooms we painted for our kids anylonger, and I won't see them sliding down the slide in the backyard. Ok. I have to stop... its making me cry AGAIN and I have a funeral to attend today, UGH! I'm trying not to complain as I know people are suffering more than I, and I'm lucky to have such a wonderful family, husband and children. With the very recent loss of a family friend so young, I think this move, the baby and that loss have magnified my already hormonal self. I thank each of you who have called to check on "me", have brought meals for "us" and who have sent emails... I can't tell you how much that means during such a difficult time. Your kindness and thoughftulness has not gone un-noticed.
I'm looking forward to a long weekend with my family up north and away from the stress of this move although I know it won't be far from my mind.
On a happy note I got my mother's ring today and I love it! :) It is perfect, UNLESS you ask Jacob who is not happy his stone is pink! :)

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