Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Funny Things Gracie Says!

-"Oh-Ho" (Oh No!)
-"I want somethin'" (mainly to eat... and yes no g sound at the end!)
-"That noise?" (Greg's favorite... she mainly says it when she hears a plane or motorcycle, but really she'll say it any old time!)
-"Where We Goin'" or "Where We Goin' Brother" (this phrase is a constant in the car!)
... and how could I forget "B-Cause" (said with such a little attitude) and one more I forgot
-"I do it MYself" (little Miss. Independant wants to do everything by HERself!
Just thought I'd do a quick little post, because these little phrases just crack us up... I guess you have to hear her say them with her cute little voice too... ADORABLE! What a little talker we have!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget.."because"..i like that one. You also need to hear her say it to appreciate it.

Tracy said...

Oh yeah!! I'll add it to my post... I'll have to write it B-Cause though, don't ya think??