Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update on Alexis

Things around here have been absolutely crazy.  I feel like our lives are just spinning and its all we can do to keep up!  Having three kids hasn't even begun to sink in yet, and on top of it all our house is coming apart as we speak! We are in the midst of a move and nothing is at peace... our house is just so not the way we keep it! We are making alot of ground each and everyday and have had alot of friends and family helping us which has been really nice! Now onto our little Alexis. What a wonderful baby she is! She very rarely cries... only when hungry or needing diaper attention.  She loves being in her sling with Mommy or being held by her siblings & Daddy! She is very alert and when I talk or sing to her she will stare at me for the the longest time. 
She has done well at night thus far... waking every 2-3 hours but last night she went a whole four hours, that was very nice!! I've been having some blood pressure issues so I'm really trying to lay low, but that is not easy with all that we have going on! 
Alexis went to the doctor on Monday (since we were discharged so soon, they wanted to see her back for a weight and jaundice check).  She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz so we will have to go back on Thursday to have her rechecked to make sure she starts gaining.  She didn't have a discharge weight so although she could have gained we don't know.  She also looked a little jaundice so they sent her to the lab... the lab results came back at 10.5 so she had to be re-drawn on Tuesday.  That level was 10.8 so now we have to again go on Thursday!! Dr. Castro said she looked good, and wanted to take off her umbilical cord clamp.  When the nurse came to do it, it was quite the procedure.  Not one, but FOUR nurses came in to watch (apparently they hadn't seen it done before).  It came off pretty good but was cut a little funny so there was alot of excess that they said would really bother her so our nurse went to get scissors to help her out and cut some of it off.  Now it looks much better, and won't irritate her as much! While we had her at the doctor the lady called about her birth certificate so I went to proofread and sign that as well while we were there, what a busy visit! 

On a quick little side note, I'm pretty proud... today I had on my prepregnancy jeans (wore them to the hospital actually the day I had her!) and a shirt. YEAH. :)  

1 comment:

Erin said...

I sure hope you had a shirt on with those pre pregnancy jeans!!ha ha! Congrats on little Alexis! She is so adorable! Glad things went well. :)