Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gracie's Fear... Part 2!

Gracie is such a tough little thing that she really isn't afraid of much... she has overcome her shadow fear but a few weeks ago we discovered how badly she is afraid of THUNDER! When it strikes she clings on to me for dear life! Last night there was a storm and she woke up and was screaming when Greg picked her up he brought her in our room because he said she was actually shaking. We put her back in bed when we thought it had calmed down... then BOOM! It happened again and she was a wreck again... so needless to say she came into our room and laid in our bed with her eyes wide open clinging onto my shirt! Poor girl! Greg said he can sympathize with her because Lucy, his parents dog, hates thunder storms too!
Its just so hard for me to believe Grace is afraid of anything... she is soooooo tough and doesn't let anything bother her!

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