Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alexis is 19 Months Old!

And to think at this age with Jacob I had a 2 month old I just simply can't get over! She is such my little baby girl yet she is getting so big and so independent I can't help but want to bottle her up!
Alexis is such a sweet yet very sassy girl. We have struggled with hitting and hair pulling this month BIG time! I think alot of it has to do with invasion of her personal space by her older sister. The only mechanism she has to fight back is to hit or pull Grace's long hair. Ouch. We just keep reminding her of what is right and wrong... hopefully she'll catch on!
Just when I thought Alexis couldn't say anymore she surprises me... I honestly couldn't even list all that she says now... BUT some of the things she says are: banana, apple, water, juice, milk, cracker, fish, buh, brother, Grace, Mama, Dada, Doe, Gigi, Tete, Bella, Brady, Rylie, Carter, more, shoe, bye, hi, yeah, no, baby, up, I Got It, Yowzers, Me, and well the list goes on....
Alexis loves Wiggles & Mickey Mouse! She sits and watches them so nice... she also loves to sleep with her little Minnie doll, can't wait to take her to Disney! In the car she often goes into a coma... while watching her movies, kinda cracks us up! She is also quiet the dancer... and boy can she shake those hips when her favorite wiggles song comes on!
She has her buh only at nap/nighttime and does so well with this. She sleeps from about 7:30 pm until 8 am... and then takes a 2-3 hour nap... very similiar to what Grace did at this same age. All three of my kids were awesome at going right in and falling asleep... which makes me very happy!
We love the little snuggles we get from our baby girl when she gets up from nap and when we watch movies as a family. Nothing like a snuggle from your last baby.... such a treasure.
And in addition to our illness last winter we have already started to get some winter type colds/chest issues. She has been on the nebulizer already once this winter... the one major downfall to these issues is that when she feels crappy she tends to not eat as much as she usually does. Although if we have one of her favorites... LOOK OUT! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

18 Month Old Baby Girl...

Our baby is sure growing fast! Seems like just yesterday we had one infant and now we have three budding children! Time sure does fly as we cherish them and what they have brought into our lives!
Babe has begun to gain alot of physical strength... she can go up and down steps basically on her own. She also has started to run! As far as fine motor development goes she can drink from a cup and eat with utensils all on her own now! It's a new chapter in our lives as we have spent the last 5 years feeding people... its nice to have 3 independent children!
Alexis loves babies... dolls... the kitchen... and anything girly! HOWEVER... she will play for and fight for anything her siblings or Bella has! She loves taking a baby to bed with her and ALWAYS has to have her blanket a certain side up... satin side up! She is just like her Momma, who always grasped (while on her tummy) the satin side of a blanket. Can't put Alexis to bed without one under her face and another on her back... such a little princess!
Her vocabulary amazes me.... she is so vocal! She says almost anything... her favorite words are "baby", "buh" (her pacifier) and "NO!"... she can now combine words, mainly two word combos.
She loves to eat, yet still continues to be so small! She loves goldfish, cheerios, blueberries, oranges, apples (asks by name for those quiet often!), cheese (another request), pizza, soup, grilled cheese, spaghetti, milk and crackers.
Alexis is into shoes... she loves getting her coat and shoes in the morning as well as everyone elses! She is the official shoe closet checker... she is constantly in there and loves to "re-organize" all its contents! UGH...
She also loves Daddy and loves to take Abby outside... she can't get enough of either of these things... it's sweet.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jacob's God Synopsis

The kids have been driving by a house damaged by fire on their way home from school... they have been very worried about the family and their belongings. One day Doe was explaining to them about how you just "Get Out" and that "God will take care of getting you the things you need... toys, clothes, food, etc.". She then said to Jacob... "You know who God is, right Jacob?" To which he replied with a huge grin... "Yup, Pops!"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jacob's 5th Birthday Party!

Jacob had a haunted birthday party at the Macomb Rec Center... we enjoyed Pizza, Cake, Cupcakes, Spider Cookies, & lots of other goodies. The kids got to play, break a pinata, eat and SWIM! :) It was a busy... crazy... party, but tons of fun! Jacob got so many nice things... our family and friends are always so very generous. AND most importantly, he was surrounded by so many friends and family that love and care for him. It was a great day... and he was so appreciative.
The day after his party... he said to me... "Mom, when will I be 5?"... I said "On Tuesday." To which he replied... "Does it take God that long to change your number?" ... what a funny kid!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Alexis... 17 Months Old!

Alexis talking so much... she says so many words. New ones daily! I'm so proud of this smart little cookie we have! Some of her favorite words are: Gigi, Mama, NO, Dada, Bellllda (Bella!),Doe, Hi, Bye-ya, Bus, Brady, Carter, Rylie, Brother, Grace, kids, VRROOM, belly, woah, book, uh-oh, this, that, eyes, nose, wa-dat (what's that), side (outside), Mine-a (Mine), shoes, good girl, my brush (my toothbrush), water... and I'm sure I'm forgetting more!! She can also combine two words... like "good girl", "what's that" and/or "my brush". That is at least an 18 month milestone... so she hit that very early and it makes me proud!
We have been practicing body parts... she loves her belly button and points to it all the time. She loves to look at pictures/herself and talk about body parts as well. She loves to play that game!
Alexis loves being outside. She keeps herself busy no matter where she goes. She is so easy going.. UNLESS she has other plans.. then look out. She is our little diva.
Alexis, unlike her sibs, isn't totally fond of other babies.. well lets face it... she is the BABE... so in her eyes... she is the ONE & ONLY! :) However she loves to play with babies, purses, cars, crayons, kitchens, and anything musical. She also really enjoys dental hygiene... she could/would brush her teeth all day if we'd let her!
She has all the teeth she is suppose to have and weighs a little over 20 lbs... our tiny, tiny peanut! Clothing she has is still 6-12 months. As far as shoes go, she is in a 5.
Babe is so special to all of us... we love her so very much. Jacob and Grace are constantly looking out for and wanting to help her. It is so sweet how much they care for and love her.
Post tubes we have now had an additional 3 ear infections... poor girl. Luckily she is such a trooper.
Sleep has been a little irratic lately. She goes down between 7:30 and 8 and sleeps till 7:00-7:30. She also still takes at least a 2 hour nap... sometimes more, during the day. She loves to eat and will eat anything you give her. In the last month she has discovered how much she really enjoys dips (ketchup, ranch, etc). And you can't get the bottle out, without sharing some with her. She loves her milk... but is also really enjoying drinking water from a big girl cup. She is also getting really good at spoon feeding herself things like applesauce, macaroni, etc. She definitely has big sisters eating habits/style.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I love...

kids Halloween jammies... I dread the day I can't get them a new pair of holiday jammies! I love dressing them alike in them and seeing them snuggle all warm and toasty as they fall asleep. Every year my 3 kiddo's have had matching jammies...and I.LOVE.IT. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kick the bucket...

Today Doe was fixing one of Alexis' toys and she said "Who is going to take care of all this stuff when I kick the bucket?" To which Jacob replied "What bucket?". It was so stinkin' cute!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Keeping it warm...

Tonight up north we had a movie/popcorn party. After the kids were finished we had a pretty large bowl still sitting there. Our little busy body Grace jumped up took her napkin and covered up the remaining popcorn with her napkin. I asked her what she was doing and she told me "Keeping it warm, Mom!".

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alexis... at 16 Months

Each and every time I look at my 16 month old baby girl, I can't help but think how far we have come in 5 years... 3 kids later I'm loving motherhood to it's fullest and consider each of my three beautiful children a huge blessing!! I still can't believe our "baby" is now 16 months old! Time is flying by.
Alexis is growing into such a little ham. She is our baby doll and has quite the attitude... a cute one at that! She is always "talking" and laughing, especially with the "kids" as she likes to call them. She says so many words now, it's amazing how much she can say. Some of her favorites are NO, kids, Jacob, Grace, Mama, Rylie, Brady, Dog, Water, Mine-A (said with some real attitude), Belda, and more I know I'm forgetting. I think she is going to be a people person... she loves attention, people and saying people's names.
Babe loves being outside... she loves playing in the clubhouse or riding in the corvette. She thinks she is such a big shot riding around with the "kids" in there. She also loves bubbles, pushing outdoor toys, and sand.
She is doing so well climbing up the stairs... almost too well. We really need to work on going down safely. Some other things she enjoys inside are: books, purses, strollers, babies, and any toy that she can carry around. She also loves being sung too... some of her fav's are: itsy bitsy spider, ABC song, Ba, Ba, Blacksheep.
Alexis is a champ eater... she loves pizza, spaghetti, milk, cheese, waffles, fruit, macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese and well... anything!
She is still our little peanut... and is not fitting into the 12-18 month stuff I've purchased for her OR the 18-24 month stuff her sister used at this age. So... back into the 6-12 month stuff from last year! She wears a size 5 shoe... and of course her first pair of shoes were Lelli Kelly's! Was there ever any doubt???

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No More Buh's Here...

Over Labor Day weekend up north Alexis completely gave up her pacifier. She had been only taking it when she slept (and was so good about that), but she hasn't been feeling well and doesn't even want it when it is offered to her! She made that SO easy! I've been blessed to have easy "weaning" kids!
I do have to admit its a little sad to see those adorable pink glitter personalized pacifiers go!! :(

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Jacob begged to take off his training wheels tonight... he saw a neighbor and wanted them off yesterday and was relentless until tonight. We did and within 30 minutes he had it... he was so determined! All of his friends watched and were right there to cheer him on! I can't believe how big he is getting, such a wonderful boy!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

All I TEETH Are IN! :)

At just 14 months Lex cut all 4 I-Teeth! She now has a grand total of 16 teeth!! What a mouth full! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So I sold my first "baby item" today... it went to a great home though! We decided to part with a bunch of BIG baby gear.... and the first thing to go was the jumper-roo. I do have to say, my stuff is in great condition, so it makes it even harder to part with it!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


It's official... we have a walker, and her name is "Franken-Babe"... Alexis is walking around the house like crazy!! Usually with both arms stretched out in front of her! So cute!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Alexis is taking steps!

Alexis took her first step on July 22nd... she is now up to 5 steps. She goes back and forth between the walking and the crawling thing, but she has some amazing balance and CAN walk when she wants too! :) Go BABY GIRL!


Jacob & Grace both learned how to pump today on Rylie's swing set!! YEAH!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Long time...

It has been such a long time since I have posted.... things have been beyond busy and chaotic around here with the end of an emotional school year and the beginning of summer. So much has happened and never fear I have it all written on my calendar, just not blogged.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Alexis 14 Months

Our baby girl is getting so big and so BLONDE! She is our little toe head... well with the hair that she has! She is the most sweet, loving, happy baby... and brings such joy to our world!
Babe's new thing is loving to point at people in pictures and tell us who is in them... "RACE" "BUB". She also loves dogs and really enjoys helping her Daddy take Abby outside. She says so many words... some of them are: no, more, mom, dad, bra (brother), yea, what, that, this, cheese, grapes.... I'm sure there are more but that is all I can think of now.
Alexis really enjoys playing outside with the big kids... and she love playing downstairs with her brother and sister. She loves baby dolls, cars, the kitchen, and anything that she can figure out how to push and walk behind!
Alexis still has not taken her first step... but she is walking around things, standing, walking with fingers, and crawling SUPER fast! I'm not in a rush for her to walk... I know she will when she's ready!
Alexis is a good eater.... she loves grapes, toast, waffles, pizza, spaghetti, mandarin oranges, crackers, grilled cheese and fries. She also LOVES white milk... just like the two before her!
Babe has a total of 12 teeth, and I believe she is beginning to cut her I-teeth. She is a tooth machine!
Alexis has a little stinker side like her big sister... she will just point blank shake her head and tell you NO.... if she doesn't want you to hold her or if she doesn't want you to tell her no... or if she doesn't like what you are doing. Although I have to admit the way she says it is kinda cute!
Alexis also enjoys crawling away from Mom to climb the stairs, splashing in the tub, cuddling with Mom in the morning while she drinks her milk, Caseville sand, ruining things her brother builds with lincoln logs, and going shopping!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alexis is 13 MONTHS!!

At 13 months baby girl is getting so big... hair growth is the only thing that isn't "movin'" on this girl! She is everywhere... and lovin' life!
Alexis is such a great eater. She loves food... little thing can eat 3 pieces of pizza in one sitting! She also loves her milky!
Alexis has grown attached to anything imparticular but she loves satin blankets like Mommy did! She grabs them the same way... it is funny to watch.
Most people (that knew me as an infant) say Alexis is an exact replica of me as a baby! It really is strange to look at someone who looks so much like you did! She is our little doll... and as a matter of fact a few times we have been asked if we would like to persue modeling for her. Now that she is a tan blonde bombshell... I can see why! Her little white creases amongst the tan is so darn precious!
No walking... still just crawling and cruising. And she has recently discovered finger walking... oh what fun for the poor adult that has to be hunched over for the hours that she could do this per day! :)
It's sad to think... we will soon be parting with many of the "baby gear items" that have been part of our home for the last 4.5 years. I'll miss them along with all the the memories we've made and the milestones we have been reaching in our children and as a family.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This is what Grace says when she wants a BARRETTE in her hair... silly girl!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I think it's safe to say my Little Lou is BUH (pacifier) free!! (As of 6.8.10) She did have a couple of hard nights, but now she tells me she doesn't need it YEAH Gracie Lou!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

NEW Seat!

We made the switch... Babe is in the big girl car seat now... she still technically fits, but it is getting hard to remember to leave the car seat for whomever is watching her since I usually leave it in the car, and the Grandma's rely on it!


Ok... our beloved BABE has now added a head shake to her "NO!". It is pretty adorable if I do say so myself. Today while we were at Gigi's, Gigi asked to take her and Babe said NO! shaking her head. What a stinker!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More Fun Stuff...

Rylie kissed Jacob today... what is going on around here????

Double AGAIN

Alexis had to be taken in today for a high fever... when we got there they decided to take it rectally since it was reading 104 on the regular thermometer. It was 105.3 rectally... scarily high. They said she also had a double ear infection AGAIN! They didn't let her leave until after she had tylenol, cold compress, and juice. After about 1.5 hours it went down to 100.6 so we were allowed to leave. That night was rough... she continued to be pretty sick, lithargic, and sleepy. The next morning her fever broke at about 5am. Poor baby girl!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Grace was kissed today for the first time by Carter, our neighbor. It started out as kisses on the butt and then went to her lips. The good news is Jacob was close by and was kissing her too!!

Saying GrAcE!

Babe now says Grace!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jacob's first game!

Jacob had his very first t-ball game today... Doe, Pa, Betts, Mimi, Cam, Bubba, Carl & the other Kohl 4 were in attendance. He got to bat 3 times... 3 innings. His little run to first base the first time was so precious... he was so cautious... so sweet. He caught one ball and ran to get alot of other ones. (I think he loves running to catch the ball... no matter where it is!). He was so cute in his little number 11 Bisons uniform... so cute!
They played the HAMMERHEADS... on the way there when Jacob found out who he was playing he said "Are they going to hammer our heads?". What a funny boy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pulling On Up...

Alexis has done this before a couple of times... but today she was non-stop! She kept pulling herself up to the standing position all day long! She started on the dog crate... then on Jacob's tool bench (a few times), then to her jungle safari toy. She was on a roll!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Alexis now says No,No! She even points her finger at you sometimes. Quite the little sass we have!
Some of the words she says now include: no, bye, bob, mama, dada, dog, doe, bets, hi, this, that, what. Quite the vocab if I do say so myself! :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


"This" is Babe's new word. At first I didn't realize where she got it from, after listening to myself, I know!!
Today at Gigi's, her Tete was feeding her cake when she pointed to my ice cream and said "THIS".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Someone is...

Poking my eye (with her finger in her eye) and biting my finger (with her finger in her mouth)!

This is what Grace told her Gigi & Doe that had us all laughing, silly girl!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jacob's 1st & 2nd Friend Birthday Party!!!

(4.27.10) Jacob had his first friend birthday party at "pump it up"... they had so much fun on the bouncers, eating, and playing! Jacob had a really good time and so did Mommy (I got to chat with the Mom's that I miss so much but not taking Jacob to preschool!). Jacob did get a little rug burn on his elbow... and well he handled it like any man would (with alot of tears and whining!).
(4.28.10) was the 2nd friend party Jacob had at "Stevi B's". The boys got to make their own pizza, play a few arcade games, eat pizza and cupcakes... and have a good time. Jacob was so thrilled about both parties... and he is still talking about the plans he has for his next party!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lex... AGAIN!

Alexis has been fighting the runny nose/runny eye combo so after a fever today I decided to take her into the night owl... turns out she has a double ear/double eye infection. Poor girl... and she really didn't even seem that miserable, but then again she never does!

First FRIEND Playdate!

Jacob had his first friend over to play... Carter (our new neighbor) came over and the boys had a blast playing. They played with almost every toy we have! Jacob even showed him his room and did Carter's hair on the Ariel beauty shop vanity!! lol...
The best part was I think that Carter & Grace almost kissed... it was so close but they pulled away about the same time! Whew... :)
Jacob, Grace, Carter & Brady have been spending alot of time in the last two weeks playing outside and inside (both houses), and they really have a great time together... here's to an awesome summer!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grace is cracking us up!

Lately my comedian... Grace... has been on fire! Here are a couple of the cutest things she's said!!
-We were at t-ball and Tete came up and poked her... to which Grace replied... "DON'T POINT ME!" in her sassiest little voice!
-Grace was driving around Carter's 4-wheeler and wasn't watching where she was going. Doe said "Look Up Grace"... next thing you know Grace has her head in the clouds... ugh that girl!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


It's official... we have an crawler in our house! She is slow... but Mommy doesn't mind that a bit! She has been so close in the last few weeks, but she finally "got it" today!

11 Month Old Sweetheart!

Clapping, Crawling, Eating Mostly Solid foods, Talking... well what hasn't this girl done!!
I feel like the last year has just gone by even quicker than the last... time just won't stand still or even wait up for me!
Alexis started crawling the DAY she turned 11 months old... and has been on the move ever since. She even crawls in the downward dog position, now that's hard work! Lex can pull her self to her knees and has pulled herself all the way up a couple of times too!
It's sad to see her and know that these are the last "days" I'll have like that, but on the other hand I feel blessed to have gone down this road these three times, with these three kids. They have taught me so much, and given me a gift daily!
Alexis also enjoys clapping at herself or others... especially when you say YEAH! She also dances, waves, sticks her tongue out, and bounces around on her bottom.
Alexis is our little flirt.... and loves to be with other people. She is so happy and always content. Friends and family often comment on how happy and easy going she is... I believe in part since she is NUMBER 3 and since she always has someone or something to watch! Alexis will play with just about any toy she can get her hands on... she love babies, cars, balls and stroller rides. This girl is just EASY!
At 11 Months Alexis weighed 18 lbs even... the smallest 11 Month old I've had... she is very petite, and so gentle and loving. She is such a sweet girl, I can't wait to see the big girl she becomes!
I can't wait to see her this summer on the beach, in the water, and playing and interacting more with her siblings. She is going to love it!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Grace 3 Year Check Up!

Today Gracie saw Dr. Dubina for her 3 year check up. Dr. Dubina says she is right on target for everything... she can walk, talk (sometimes too much!), color, pedal a bike, she is eating well/drinking milk, and well... the list goes on! Her vitals also looked great!
Grace was very nervous about getting a shot today... no shots... however we did need to do a urine collection (Grace was AWESOME with this), a CBC.... didn't mind this, but hated the idea of the "bam-baid" (band-aid!), and we had to do an ear flush (Grace has powder like wax and it tends to stay inside... so we attempted to flush it, which didn't go over well... now we need to get the OTC drops).
Grace's 3 year stats are: 36 3/4 inches tall (50th percentile) and she is 32.8 lbs (75th percentile). Her BMI is also listed at 17.9, which the doctor assured me is fine! I guess it's more for insurance purposes that this is recorded!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


We had an awesome time in Chicago visiting Bubba this weekend! The drive even went well... Amy & I (and our four children!) had a pretty peaceful ride down... the way back was a little crazier, but we made it! Here is a quick rundown of our activities that we were able to do...
Thursday: Carl & Bubba came to the hotel... we had pizza, swam, and then when the kids went to bed we had Margarita's and played euchre.
Friday: Bubba & US went to the Woodfield mall. We played there, got pretzels and then met Betts & Pa for lunch an Bouna, and went to Legoland... which Jacob LOVED! We got to see so many awesome lego structures, watch a 4D Bob the Builder Movie, see how Lego's are made, ride a glider, play, go on a rollercoaster ride... and play with lego's! That evening we went to dinner and then met up with Aunt Kathy & Uncle Joe!
Saturday: We took the L (the train) and then a water taxi to Navy Pier to go to the Hands-On Children's Museum (which was AWESOME!), the kids had lunch at M's and then we walked down the pier to see the boats. We then got to ride the water taxi & L back... oh boy did the kids love that! Saturday evening we went to dinner at Pilot Pete's (a restaurant on the runway of Schaumburg airport) with Carl! (good job Carl on that find!). Jacob & Grace were so excited about the plane seats in the waiting area.... and we even got to see a few plans land/take-off.
We then headed back to the mall to meet up with Aunt Kathy, Uncle Joe, Scott, Lindsey, & Jackson for a little play time and ice cream! (unfortunately we also lost Alexis' bonnet there!)
Sunday: we headed home... it was a good time, can't wait to do it again!!


Lexie got her first molar this weekend while we were in Chicago! Top Left!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter 2010 was so wonderful... we started the day with an egg hunt at home followed by an easter basket find! The kids were so excited to "find" their baskets... the bunny did make a big mess with the carrots we left him, but he apologized in his note so Mommy let it slide!
We then headed to the Kohl's for another egg hunt and more Easter baskets! Then we went with the Kohl's to Sycamore Hills for brunch! Even E. Bunny himself showed up, however Lexie hated him and screamed anytime he came near her! Poor baby girl!
From there we headed to Doe's for dinner and more Easter baskets with Gigi, Tete, Tim, Cathy & Bella!
The kids' are so spoiled... it looked just like Christmas around here! We are very blessed to have such generous family & friends!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grace's 3rd Birthday Party!

Grace had her 3rd birthday party with a splash at the Macomb Recreation Center today! She had so much fun with her ariel cake (made by Doe), family, and special friends (Averie, Lily & Ava). We had some time initially to play in the play area, then we ate pizza & cake, opened gifts and then headed to the pool! Grace talked about it all the way home! Her favorite things about the day were getting her purple princess bike (which she already knows how to ride... sometime this winter she picked up on pedaling), eating cake, and splashing around in the pool!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jacob's Cute Little Phrases...

Two of the cutest things I've heard lately out of Jacob's mouth is when he was on the phone he said he was checking his love message from Kaitlyn (3.22.10). Him & Grace were playing dolls and they Grace had to call him up... when she did he replied "Shelby Office" "Yup we can fit you in today." Can you tell we've been calling the doc alot lately! (our doc has two offices... Shelby or Troy). (3.25.10)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Smart Girl!

Alexis has done so much in the last week or so... it is amazing to see the little person she is becoming. She is so smart... funny.... adorable, well the list goes on! She started pointing on 3.21.10 and has since starting pointing with two fingers! She also says Doe (3.22.10), Bob (3.24.10), Bella (3.25.10), Pretty, Bird & Betts (3.26.10), What (3.27.10).

She has always loved playing peek-a-boo... and in the last few days she has started pulling up the blanket by herself and becoming really interactive in it... so adorable!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ear Infections & More... UGH!

Well let me start with the last week of sickness... beginning Monday (3.15). I woke Grace up to take her to school and she threw up. I decided to keep her at home... and she threw up 7 times that day (lasted until 12:30 pm) and she didn't get out of bed till about 3pm! She seemed better after that and even asked to go outside that night.
That night Lexie developed a fever... I decided since I was taking her to the ENT the next day we'd just hold out for that. While at the ENT he said she must have just had a virus... since she didn't have any ear issues/throat issues. Since she only had one ear infection in each side, the ENT wanted to wait on the tubes since she is so young.
She continued to have a fever for about 3 days... and then had a rash come Saturday/Sunday. We now believe she had Roseola.
MEANTIME... Jacob had an ear infection on Friday. Poor boy was complaining he was dizzy, took a nap, and had a fever. I should have known he was sick!
So fast forward just a FEW days to yesterday (3.22) just a week later (UGH) and Lexie has had a few days of poor sleeping, eating, etc. So Greg takes her to the night owl and low and behold double ear infections AGAIN! What a week... I'm so ready for spring!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Double Whamy!

Alexis was again diagnosed with double ear infections!! Poor Baby!

Monday, March 15, 2010

10 Months Old!

Hoorrrayyy! Alexis is 10 months old and really coming along way! She is finally over the hump of her 6 week illness (RSV, ear infections, yuck!) I cannot believe in just two short months she will be 1 year old! I will never understand how they grow so quickly!
In the last month she has started to talk more, clap, scoot and even made it up on all fours yesterday (3.14.10). She is so close to getting up there more if only she could tuck her legs underneath her!
Let me tell you Alexis IS the perfect baby... she is the type of baby everyone wants to have. SO happy, SO easy, SO sweet... SO PERFECT! Even friends and family say they want her... she will sit forever just playing by herself. She is amazing! Jacob & Grace were good babies as well... but they had more "moments" than she has. She even does well with strangers... she doesn't care as long as Mommy isn't around. If Mommy comes by then she usually decides she wants me instead! Hey she knows where her "lunch" is!
Speaking of "lunch", as much as I don't want her to I think Lex is starting to self-wean. She is now given a bottle in the evening to help her sleep through the night. (which she is almost there 5 out of 7 nights we are sleeping 8 until 6:30am). She usually only take about 3-4 ounces, which isn't very much but she seems fine with it. She is still nursed throughout the day... not planning on giving that up fully yet. She LOVES to eat... for breakfast she usually has either oatmeal and fruit OR waffles/pancakes. Lunch is usually a fruit/vegetable and then some type of meat (bologna/hot dog)/ cheese. Dinner is whatever we are eating or a jar of something and a fruit/vegetable! All our meals are followed up with stars/puffs and/or yogurt melts/dried fruit.
She loves to dance, clap and play in general with her brudder/sister. She now says "DOG" and makes a cute little face (with tongue sticking out) for Abby! She loves Abby! Alexis also really enjoys walks and being outside. Someone once thought she was a doll... she was so relaxed when we were out and about. Lexie really loves her Bella day! She has so much fun playing with Bella and the two of them are so cute together!
Size wise... Alexis is still pretty tiny. She wears a size 1 shoe!!!!!! AND it is big on her! She also wears 9 month clothing BUT can still fit comfortably in 3-6 month stuff... and even wears a few 0-3 outfits! I weighed her at home... she weighs approximately 17.5 lbs.

Clapping, Dog & Nighttime bottle!

Whew... Alexis has been doing so much more lately... it is CrAzY! She started clapping about a week ago. She loves to clap when she thinks she is doing something really cool OR if she likes something. She is really a quick learner. For the first time this morning I heard her say "DOG" while looking at Abby! She already says Mama, Dada, Tete, (what sounds like Hi) and a TON of other babblings as well.

About a week and a half ago we started to give her a bottle at night. (3.3.10) We (well I) was worried since she was having a hard time making it through the night without getting up (twice) so we tried giving her a bottle at bedtime. She now sleeps through (most nights... still not as late as I'd like sometimes!!) and the only worry of mine is that she only takes about 3-4 ounces. She seems to be doing well still nursing through the day.... and doesn't mind who she gets the bottle from. It's a sad thing for me... since I know it is the only beginning of the weaning process and I know my baby is growing up!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mama with MEANING!!

My little baby girl is now saying "Mama" with some real meaning!!! She calls me when she wants me... she also says "Dada" and "Buh" (pacifier). She is signing for cup by putting her hand up to her mouth. She does it at almost every feeding... this girl loves her cup!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All Clear!

I wasn't sure we'd ever hear these words... but today Jacob & Alexis both got the all clear from Dr. Dubina! She still wants Lex to see the ENT just to be sure, but I'm so happy I can stop going to see the doctor every week and stop visiting CVS! :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Disney On Ice!

The kids had a fabulous time at Disney on Ice today... they all wore their halloween costumes (1 Mickey/2 Minnie's) and everyone loved it! One lady even gave us a 3 thumbs up!! They all watched so intently, even Babe! It was an awesome show... all the princesses/disney characters were there. Doe went along with us and she even made the kids special Mickey spaghetti for dinner that night, lucky kids!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sick x 2!

On Monday night Jacob had a 104.5 fever, was having trouble breathing and said his chest hurt. So I took him (and Alexis in for her follow up after the urgent care visit) in to see the doctor on Tuesday. As soon as she listened to him she said he had pneumonia. He had to have a breathing treatment immediately. She also wanted him to have a CBC and a chest xray. You guessed it he didn't like the finger poke but the xray tech said he did so well with the chest xray (I couldn't go in since I had Lexie with me). Alexis on the other hand had more than a follow up... she had to be put back on the breathing treatments and antibiotic for a flare up of the ear infection. Jacob went home on antibiotic and breathing treatments as well.
I think his favorite part was getting stickers and a toy... anything to distract him from the finger poke!
They called later to say his chest xray came back normal...
Thursday Greg took them back in for the recheck... Dr. Dubina said there was no question he had pneumonia she could hear it in his lungs. She thinks the xray came back normal since he had just had the breathing treatment. She put him on steroids and said his breathing treatments needed to be done every four hours round the clock. He needs to be rechecked next week, no school... no outdoors.
Alexis was checked and her ear is only minimally better... Dr. Dubina has referred her to a ENT, Dr. Becker for potential tubes in that left ear. She is now off breathing treatments off steroids, but still on the antibiotics... recheck for her next week as well.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shanty Days!

We had an AWESOME weekend in Caseville this weekend for Shanty Days! The weather was so nice too, which made it great for all the outdoor activities. Thursday morning Doe & I headed north with the kids. We stopped at Big Boy (Jacob's favorite) and Walmart (to get some groceries) before getting there! The funniest thing was on the way up we saw cops trying to get a cow out of the road, a helicopter land next to big boy where some guys got out to eat, and we thought the windmills had moved but really there was just more of them we never noticed!
That night the kids had an ice cream and popcorn party... they loved it like ALWAYS!
Friday morning we went sledding and out to play in the snow. We were going to make a snowman but the snow just wasn't the right type. Lucas came up Friday which made them both very happy but they didn't get to play with him for very long since we just kept "missing" him. On Friday I also had to take the baby to Urgent Care at Schurer Hospital. She had a fever and given her recent history I didn't want to chance it. They were amazing and so thoughtful there. Alexis was thoroughly checked out, had a CBC done, and RSV wash. She did test positive for RSV (which is what Dr. Dubina originally diagnosed her with). They did still notice the fluid in her left ear but it didn't appear infected, so that was good. We got her prescription for the steroids filled there at the hospital and left feeling really good about the visit. Dr. Slater was so good to us, as were the nurses.
Saturday, despite the illness, we decided to head out to the shanty days festival. It was so beautiful so I bundled the kids up and we went to Hoy's Marina to meet up with the Dillon's. We were able to watch human bowling (sledding down a hill trying to knock down plastic garbage cans), chick on a stick (two guys running 1oo feet with a girl hanging from landscape lumber on ice), the potty trotty (teams pushing outhouses on ice), and the polar bear dip (need I say more)! When we got home I actually looked a little sunburned... it was so warm and toasty out, beautiful!
Jacob took a nap that afternoon (well all three did) and when he got up he said he didn't feel well and had a temp. We laid low that evening hoping he would feel better.
Sunday we headed out to play outside again and then went home... Shanty days was so much more than I expected, what a great time!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Meal TOGETHER & Ariel...

We had our first meal together yesterday (well the kids anyways)... all three of them had grilled cheese! You see this is a BIG thing because until now Jacob & Grace at the same thing but Lexie had baby food. It is SO much easier to feed them when they all eat the same thing... :)
Tonight I washed princess Ariel's hair. I didn't have a cup in the tub (couldn't find it at the time... and since I usually bathe them by myself I can't "go get it" if it's missing!) so I told Grace she was Ariel (the Little Mermaid) and she laid back and I rinsed her hair as she had her head in the water. Of course Jacob had to be Prince Eric (Ariel's Prince!).

Monday, February 15, 2010


One of the most beautiful gifts came into our lives 9 months ago today. Alexis is such a treasure, so happy, a joy to love, beautiful, spirited and so much more. I love this little girl... and can't wait to see the little one she will turn into.
Her smile contagious, her laugh immeasurable, her joy AMAZING. She is our first baby that will smile even when your not. I think that she is simply the happiest baby I have EVER seen.
Alexis is always talking... and has started to say some words: Dada, Buh, Ma, Bra (brother), Hi, and today she said Te (for Tete)... some of the words aren't consistent but she has said them all. She really loves Abby and tried to say dog, but it came out like DUH. lol...
Our girl is sitting REALLY well now. She is also enjoying tummy time more and can maneuver really well while on her tummy. She can go 360 and pretty much grab whatever she wants! Lexie can also stand up against furniture now... you can tell she feels like such a big girl doing this, yet she still looks so tiny!
In the last month Alexis has really enjoyed spending time in her jumperoo, on her activity mat (she likes to sit and play with the hanging toys), her dog Violet, the play remote, and blocks (she loves playing with her brother and sister and ANY of their toys too!).
I love the way Alexis waves, dances, peeks (lays her head down to see her loved ones!).
I'm so proud to say that Alexis is still being nursed... I feel blessed that even though she is the third child I've kept her going this long. She has also been introduced to so many foods and is doing great with those as well. In the three short months she has been eating she has been introduced to cereal, veggies, fruits, dinners, and now table food! She is just so quick to learn and eager to try new things. Some of her favorite baby food continue to be fruits (any kind), carrots, sweet potatoes, chicken and STARS! As far as table food goes she has had/loves cheese, bologna, noodles.
And of course.... her Tete has spoiled her with treats on Sunday at Gigi's. I think she has had cake, cookies, brownies... hey, with that many teeth what can't the girl eat!
For her 9 month birthday Alexis was able to visit Dr. Dubina again and her ears finally checked out clear. A little fluid but the infection is gone (HORRRAY!)
Dr. Dubina checked her all out and said she is "perfect". Her development is totally on track and the doc was very pleased to hear that she has started table food and is using a cup at meal time. Her iron was checked (because of the history with Grace) and it was normal. She also had a urinalysis and a CBC done. When Dr. Dubina looked in her mouth she was "amazed" at how many teeth she already has (8) and said her back four molars are coming in... and her gums are very swollen. Alexis currently weighs 16 lbs 14 oz (49th percentile) she is 26.5 inches (25th percentile) and her head is a WHOOPING 44 .5 cm (75th percentile!... a jump from the 25th at 6 months, YIKES!).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Celebrations...

Today Jacob, Grace and Mommy had their class Valentine Celebrations! Jacob had an ice cream party... Grace had a pizza party... and Mom also had an ice cream party! Jacob took Mickey Mouse invitations... Grace "priness" ones. They were SO excited and looked absolutely adorable in their Valentine RED Gear... a must right?!?!!?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Our baby girl is STANDING! She can't stand by herself for long (maybe a few seconds) but she is standing very well up against furniture/stable items! YEAH for our BABY!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Medication GALORE!

Well in the past week we have had 3 rechecks for Alexis and 1 for Grace. Grace was cleared... and told to come off the breathing treatments as of (2.1.10). Alexis was checked on 2.1.10 also by Dr. S and was "cleared" luckily Mommy didn't feel confident in that and decided to call back. Dr. Dubina wanted to see us tomorrow and told us to keep her on all her treatments. The next day (2.2.10) when Daddy took her back in they said she should remain on breathing treatments till Friday and that her ears where no better (so the put her on the z-pack instead). (Mommy was so mad that the ears were checked and cleared the day before... I mean seriously! Between that and the lungs... I was not happy!). Today I took Alexis for yet another recheck and Dr. Dubina said her lungs sounded clear... however one of her ears is still pretty bad. SO... now we are on another antibiotic, hopefully this will do the trick. Dr. Dubina said that with the type of virus she had it has been very common for them to have lingering effects since it is such a nasty virus... hence the persistent ear infection!

We are so lucky to have such a happy baby... she has been a little funny about eating. (she usually eats about 2 jars of baby food per meal) but since she has been sick she hasn't eaten near that!). She also has been funny about laying on her back and has been flipping to her stomach when she sleeps (the doctor said the pressure is probably bothering her ears). Other than that and an occasional batting of the ears she has been as perfect and happy as always!

Alexis will go back for ANOTHER recheck/9 month baby visit next Monday... hopefully she is all better by then! But let me tell you she is very unsure of the doctor's office these days!

Lex is SICK still!

Well we went for another recheck with Lex today... she STILL has an ear infection. Dr. Dubina said that these ear infections post RSV are really hanging on. We'll return on 2.15.10 for another follow up AND her 9 month well baby visit (well we hope its a well baby anyways!).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sick Girl!

Alexis had to make a trip to the doctor today... she had been having trouble with coughing, wheezing, and breathing. I took her into the night owl and we saw Dr. Dubina (luckily)... after she examined her (eyes, nose, throat, ears, breathing)... she said she had a double ear infection (which really shocked us!!!) and that she had bronchiolitis a side effect from RSV. The took her pulse ox and it was 99 (they mentioned if it was below 95 she would be admitted). Dr. Dubina mentioned that it was a very good thing we took her in otherwise it could have gotten bad, quick. She was sent home on amoxicillian and breathing treatments every 4-6 hours.
Our poor baby girl was so sick... yet she was still so happy! She is such a trooper!

Sesame Street Live!

We went with Mimi, Betts & Cam today to see Sesame Street Live! It was BEYOND awesome. Our seats were spectacular, the company was phenomenal, the kids were awesome! Jacob loved Oscar and Elmo... Gracie loved Zoe & Abby (AND the cotton candy)... and Cam loved The Count & Elmo! We were about 6 rows from stage and it was really a great show. Jacob wants to go back again... and has listened to the CD so many times... his favorite song is the one about TRASH, lol. After the show we went to Alibi for pizza, salad & breadsticks. What a great day!

Daddy & Pa stayed home to paint and Doe came to watch Lexie since she was under the

Jacob & Grace before the show in their Elmo gear!
Jacob, Grace & Elmo With "Elmo"
Gracie & Cam
Mommy & GracieGrace: Pre Cotton Candy!
Post Cotton Candy... this is what you call a Cotton Candy Goatee Folks!
Betts With The Boys!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Movie Date!

I took Jacob today to see his very first movie... EVER! We went to see "Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel". My boy and I got popcorn (and a refill) although Jacob only allowed me one handful and then kindly said "Mom, I think you had enough." I brought him a sucker and I got a slurpee. Jacob wasn't hot on the commercials or previews (none were for anything his age) but LOVED the movie. He sat so quietly and was like a statue eating his popcorn and watching the movie. He loved it... he immediately began asking if he could go back another time. It was such a nice time for him & I. What a great date he was!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Meet The...


EVERY baby/doll/animal that Grace has is loving called "Madison". We have no idea where this came from but I think it is cute, nonetheless! :)
I took a picture to try and have a group Madison shot, but of course some were not in attendance... but you get the picture! Now even Alexis' babies have started to be included... as Gracie calls them Madison too!

Gracie's sick.... AGAIN!

Well Tuesday morning we had to take Grace to the doctor's again... and Babe went along for her second dose of the H1N1 shot. Turns out that Grace is sick (Greg said she had something that was going around... he took her and that is the explanation I got!!). She also was having bronchiospasms so she had to have an albuterol breathing treament in the office and be sent home with both an antibiotic, a nebulizer and the albuterol. WHEW...
At first she HATED the breathing treatments but she is getting much better at doing them and likes to do them herself or have Jacob hold them for her. :) Jacob likes turning it on and off and assisting in the job.
Now if only Lexie can skip over this... she has started to develop a little cough that I don't like! AND Jacob is on week 2 of his never ending yucky sounding cough!

Our first treatment at home:
What a difference a day makes... Day 2:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ma & Milk... make a nice combo don't ya think???

Babe said MA today.... also on Sunday (1.24.10) Alexis signed for milk. She was on a roll doing it non-stop on Sunday morning but hasn't done it a whole lot since. However... if I do it she immediately opens her mouth and definitely knows what I mean! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dancing Queen!

Babe started dancing today (while sitting) it is so stinkin' adorable, but then again her just being HER is adorable! :)
And we found out Grace is dancing to "Baby Bumblebee" for her recital... talk about following in her Uncle Tim's footsteps!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

8 Month Weigh In!!!

I weighed Alexis today... she currently weighs 16 lbs 7 oz. She is still ranking in at the smallest weight in the Kohl family at this age (well except for Mommy!!)

Friday, January 15, 2010

8 Months Old! Seriously???

How can it be that our "baby" has already hit such a huge milestone!?!?! Can you believe that when Jacob was this age I got pregnant with Grace, cause I can't! Alexis has grown and changed so much in the last 8 months, and has really made our family into so much more! I can't fathom life without her and am so glad we decided to have that "3rd" baby!

Alexis has really bloomed this last month... she is sitting SO well! I really trust her sitting skills and it isn't very often that she falls over nowadays! She is a roll over maniac now... anytime I lay her on her back she flips to her tummy. She doesn't love being on her tummy but when she is she is squirming all over the place and is beginning to make the crawling motion too. She has rolled from tummy to back a few times but doesn't do it too much. Another milestone we have hit in physical ability is the ability to jump like a crazy lady! Lex has such strong legs and could jump in her jumperoo for HOURS! She just loves it... it has become one of her favorite places to be (that and her playmat which replaced her bouncy seat).

As far as growing goes... she has grown a few more teeth this month as well. Our new total is 8 teeth. She has all four bottom front and all four top front. She really hasn't been too crabby either which has been a nice surprise AND she hasn't bitten me which is a GREAT surprise! Going along with teeth is her appetite. This month we have tried out alot of new foods and experimented with #2 dinners. We have now tried all the fruits, veggies, rice cereal, oatmeal and some mixed veggies and mixed fruits. She loves to eat.... we have come a long way in the 2 months since she started eating! Lex loves stars or cheerios (the multigrain to be specific) for dessert, yum! She has really mastered her hand to mouth coordination.

Some other things we have tried in the last week include: string cheese (have a funny story about that), pancakes (which Grace fed her without Mommy's permission (oh well!)), and cinnamon bread (she didn't care for this). I will say her favorite "dinners" are apples & ham, broccoli & chicken, and sweet potatoes & turkey. Her favorite veggie's are: carrots & sweet potatoes. Fruits: bananas, prunes, applesauce, and pears.

Sleep habits have been on the upswing. She is usually down about 8 and sleeps till 8, waking about once. She takes a decent morning nap and a nice afternoon nap! It's still pretty quiet around here between 1-4 (Grace still takes her nap, and Jacob takes a nice "rest").

In the last day I have noticed Babe trying to wave, and it appears as if she is saying:Hi, Bra (brother) and Buh (pacifier)

Alexis continues to resemble Mama as a baby... and even has no hair just like me!
Alexis is SO loving and happy it is almost surreal to think she is a REAL baby... she sure doesn't act like one. You know if she is unhappy something must be really wrong.

Some adorable things our little girl does include:
** Flashing smiles when she eats like her big sister did.
** Laying next to her siblings in bed at night.
** Loving on stuffed animals and dolls.
** Laying her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arm around my back.
** Banging her hand on her highchair when she is hungry! Like GET IT NOW MOM!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today tooth number 7 & 8 (top left of center and right of center) were discovered... this girl is a serious tooth machine!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tooth # 6!

Our 7 month old baby girl already has gotten her 6th tooth! She now has the four front bottom and the two top... the front right top came in today, 1.11.10! She got her front teeth on two very cool days... Christmas and 01.11.10!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Bunnies!

ALL weekend long (basically everytime we were awake) we went sledding on Betts & Pa's hill! It is the perfect size for the kids. They could of went sledding for hours! Towards the end of the weekend Jacob warmed up to his new snow tube, and Grace really gave Cameron's new sled a workout! It was such a beautiful weekend for sledding... sunny and snowy! The best part was that their favorite time to go is dark... Jacob said he likes to see Bett's deer in the backyard all light up!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy NEW Year!

From one short year to the next it amazes me at how much these little ones grow and change our lives. We are so incredibly lucky to be their parents and blessed to be able to experience "them", I can't remember life without either one of them... and I look forward to many more years watching them grow. We love each of them in so many ways.... yet so many different ways!