Saturday, October 18, 2008

1, 2...

3... yes Number 3 is on his/her way!! We found out on Sunday, September 21st that we are going to have our 3rd child!! We are so excited and cannot wait to begin this adventure. Our kids have given us so much love, happiness, and joy that we feel so blessed to be welcoming another addition.

On Tuesday (9.23) a nurse from my OB/GYN's office called me and after discussing some history we decided to have some blood work done. My HCG levels were tested on Tuesday... on Wednesday (9.24) the nurse called back to let me know my HCG level was 8,062! She said they were "AWESOME" and I wouldn't hav to repeat the blood draw (sometimes they do this to ensure they are doubling, but since this level is so high they don't need to).

The funniest part of our conversation with the nurse on the day that she initially called me was when she was asking about my previous labor & deliveries. She was floored to hear that my contractions with Grace started only about an hour before I had her and then I pushed for only 6 minutes (and with Jacob my entire labor process was only about 5 hours).... she said that most likely the doctors will be inducing this pregnancy because of the short labor & delivery history. She mentioned that usually the general rule of thumb is that the time is "halved" in the next labor/delivery and she joked that if I'm not induced the next baby might be born at home or in the car... YIKES!! Lets just say that kind of freaked me out... especially since we know how Greg just loves to get his hands dirty, lol.

They also wrote me a script for an ultrasound which I scheduled for Monday, September 29th at 4pm. This will help in determining my dates and to check up on some spotting I had early on. (We believe it may have been due to implantation, but they wanted to check to be sure). At my ultrasound the tech said that everything looked great. She believed me to be 6.5 weeks instead of the 8.5 weeks my doctor had written on the script (this was based on my LMP). We got to see the baby's heartbeat and she mentioned the baby is currently .41 cm!! The day after my ultrasound Dr. Perry called me to let me know the results... MAY 22, 2009 is the official due date. (Opposed to my first due date of May 7, 2009 based on the 8.5 weeks that I knew I wasn't!). Dr. Perry also mentioned that I have a small cyst on my right ovary. It will be monitored throughout the pregnancy... he mentioned that they will watch me closely due to the history of high blood pressure and now this cyst. I always feel so safe with them... they really are so very cautious and do a wonderful job of monitoring me!

On a side note I have a couple of other posts from week 8 and before... so if you want to read those just scroll down.  :) Those were posted on the actual days I wrote them, but I didn't publish them till just now. 

Next doctor's appointment is scheduled for 10.31.08... HALLOWEEN!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited!!! Another little sweetie for me to love. I just love my little precious babies!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news for you guys! I am happy for you!

Erin said...

TRACY!!!! Congrats!! That is wonderful news! We are so happy for you guys! Another precious bundle to add to your adorable family! :)