Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yet another appointment!

Today I had my follow up from discharge at my doctors office.  Dr. Chu said I'm stable but that I need to be on BEDREST.  I keep getting told that and I really am trying but we have so much going on it is harder than it seems.  I took in my 24 hour urine collection this morning to the hospital as well... I had the kids with me and a lady and I started talking.  She was impressed with how well behaved the kids were... which made me happy.  I think all in all things are pretty much the same.  I have to go back in on Monday and I will also have an ultrasound that day.  Pretty exciting... they will check the baby's growth (which I'm excited about).  

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Things I've Been "Craving"!!

I know you have ALL been waiting on pins and needles to find out if I would ever find my "beloved" banana shakes (packet form only!) that my Dad used to bring home for me... well I did today!! Vince & Joe's had them and I was sooooooooooooooo excited! I even got an orange and strawberry one! :) Now my craving collection (childhood cravings coming through) is complete or shall I say up to date! Since I do have two weeks left who knows what I'll crave next! I can't wait to eat it... soon, VERY soon!

My second craving I've been having has been for a pair of "Lelli Kelly's" (adorable little tennis shoes that have alot of beading on them) for Grace. So... after I took Jacob to school today we headed to "Michele's" for some good old shoe fun! I was a bit worried that she wouldn't take to them, since she is in love with her little Nike's but low and behold she did! Everywhere we have been since she has gotten a ton of compliments... which she just eats right up! The shoe guy & I talked for quite a while about these adorable shoes.... and I had a hard time deciding between some of them... but I think these are "her". Aren't they just the CUTEST thing you have ever seen... in my option EVERY girl must own a pair. The shoe guy & I agreed... they just go with EVERYTHING! :)

Potty Luck!

In the last 36 hours Grace has become EXTREMELY interested in potty training. She has asked to use the bathroom to do both number 1 & 2 a few times and had sucess about 6 times. (3 of each). It figures that the timing could not be worse... with the move, bedrest and the new baby I am still not pushing it. I may regret it later, but for now I'm not doing what my gut says... put her in underwear and just hope for the best. INSTEAD... I'll just continue to go with what she wants, asking occasionally and me asking occasionally! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yet Another Doctors Visit Update... & Induction SET!

As promised it was an eventful day so now I'm posting again... before my NEXT appointment which is in just 2 days (Thursday... I'm on a short leash!)
Today I left the kids with my Mom and promised to be back in an hour after my appointment! I went to see Dr. Perry did my usual vitals (I even lost a pound since Friday... how did that happen?) When he came in he mentioned my blood pressure was still elevated AND now I was also "spilling protein" into my urine.  Apparently I was measuring a +2 in protein.  SO.... you guessed it they sent me over to the hospital! UGH!  Oh I should mention that Dr. Perry also said I was measuring a bit small (not sure exactly how much too small) so he wanted me to go for an ultrasound within the next week to check her size. I was checked since I've been having pain/pressure in my right groin area and much to my surprise I'm already dilated to 1-2 cm and slightly effaced.  I haven't had as much pressure this time around so I didn't think I was dilated at all.  After my appointment I headed over to the hospital and they ran labs, did some fetal monitoring and checked my urine and blood pressures.  Everything came back "normal" except for my platelet count (yup... more fun! For those of you who don't know me I've had issues in the past with platelet counts and had to have transfusions due to this).  Luckily it isn't extremely low, but they are going to watch it.  I was also sent with YET ANOTHER 24 hour urine collection, and a note for bedrest.  (Um... still not sure how that is suppose to be happening with 2 kids... HA!) I will go back on Thursday to the doctor and I have my ultrasound on Monday! Whew... they are keeping me really busy.  

On a side note... they did inform me at my appointment that my induction was set up for May 15th at 8 am! Wow... we get to sleep in a bit!  The nurse said since I go fast they didn't think I needed to get there early... well I'm sure Greg will appreciate that! :)  (Last time we got there at 6 AM, although my Mom says she still says it will happen May 11th which is my birthday).  

I think that is it... now back to bedrest and since we still are looking like we'll have to be out of the house by 5.26 (yes 12 days after the baby is born!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Verdict Is IN!

We have had an eventful few days... so I thought I better post soon since tomorrow there will be another update on yet ANOTHER doctor's visit.  I'll start with Friday...
So Friday we had a showing at our house at 11:30... by 5pm there was an offer on it.  (First showing by this couple).  The weekend was spent signing paperwork, counter-offering, thinking about moving, and looking for new houses for us.  All of our paperwork and offers have been accepted and signed so now we just have to wait on an inspection and appraisal.  We should know in the next week or so if everything is official.  The best/worst part is... they want to close on May 26th.  LESS THAN 30 days from today!  We went looking on Sunday with the kids.... they loved all the houses ... especially the bedrooms and big closets!  We found some we like and some we want to look at, so keep fingers crossed that everything works out the way it should for us! :)
Today... after a busy morning of taking Jacob to school and my car in for some "issues" I had an appointment with Dr. McIntosh about my gall bladder.  I haven't had any issues with it in a while but Dr. Torok (my OB/GYN) wanted me to get it checked out since it did have stones and basically he thought I should establish with him, just in case something went crazy with it prior to my delivery.  Well he said it needs to come out... there were stones in it during my last ultrasound and although they could be gone he advised it would be better to just remove it. The funniest part was when he asked about if I've ever had "nausea or vomiting"... yeah... but I have chalked it up to pregnancy! Who knows if this could have something to do with it!  So... come July (about 8 weeks post partum) I'll be having it removed.  It is a fairly common surgery... but it does come with risks.  I won't go into them, but he scared me when he was going through them! I will need to pump /dump  due to anesthesia.... 
They are calling this week to schedule the surgery... I'll keep you posted! 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jacob at 3.5 years old

I can't believe Jacob is 3.5 years old already! I look at him and think about how small he once was and can't believe he is running around talking and taking such good care of those around him.  He is such a helpful, loving, caring child (for the most part... we all have our days, right?) He is so protective of his sisters and even more so of his Mom!  He doesn't want anyone to be sad or upset... EVER.  I can't wait to see where the next year takes him... he has grown up so quickly and become amazingly more smart (I've always thought of him as a smart boy, but his knowledge continues to grow every day since starting school).  He knows letters, sounds, numbers and has gained so much in his social development it is exciting to see.  He still loves being outdoors and helping out with jobs around the house.  He is such a Mommy's boy... in more ways than one. One of the biggest things he does that reminds me of "me" is his attention to detail, that and he always wants to be clean and match! He has recently become much more into coloring (in the lines) and his scribbles have begun to take more form.  He has even gotten much better with writing his name... still nothing that looks like "Jacob" but we do have what looks like a "J" and small things after it he calls "ACOB".  I'm so proud of the little boy he is, the best one... that is what I tell him ALL the time! He has always been sooooooo good though so I'm not sure why this would surprise me. Never into climbing, running away, or anything that gives parents grief.  He explored and observed in his mind watching those around him and had obviously learned a great deal because of it! He continues to be tall and solid... but when he has his clothes off he is pretty thin (just like Daddy!).  I love him more each and every day!

Friday, April 24, 2009

36 Weeks & Doctor's Visit!

So today I had another doctor's visit to recheck the high blood pressure and to check on baby. (Yes... twice in one week!! Just like with Grace, and it will be like this from here on out!). My blood pressure is still elevated.  I completed my 24 hour urine collection and although I thought I could turn it in there... I couldn't so that had to go to the hospital after my appointment and be accompanied by a blood draw.  At my appointment Dr. Mikula & I discussed my induction.  It will be on May 15th and since I'm an "early dialator" I won't have to go in the night before.  She informed me that the "boys" are on in the morning and "girls" in the afternoon on Fridays.  So if the baby is delivered in the morning she will be delivered by Dr. Torok (same as Grace) and if it is in the after she will be delivered by Dr. Chu.  Either way I'm fine with it.  I love all the doctors there, so it doesn't much matter to me.  Dr. Torok was also there today and I talked with him a bit on my way out he mentioned that is his daughter's birthday and he thinks he'll be the one to deliver... they both seemed to think it is going to happen VERY quickly this time.  I hope they are right!!! :)  Dr. Mikula also checked the baby's heartbeat... which was very, very high.  190's and higher... I could feel her moving and Dr. Mikula could see her moving so she wasn't too worried but wanted me to have a non-stress test.  Problem being... if there was someone in labor I would have to go to the hospital with her. If no one was laboring I could remain in the office and have it done.  Must have been my lucky day... no one was laboring! :)  So they hooked me up... and baby looked "beautiful". So I got to go home... we'll I still did have to go to the hospital for that lovely urine collection. UGH! I also talked with Dr. Mikula briefly about work... she asked if I had been written out and I said "Yes, for the week".  She said... "No... now its till delivery!". So no more work.  I said how excited I was to be going and enjoying the beautiful day... and that baby would be happy too!  She said to me... "Now remember you are on bedrest... taking it easy... your principal should not be seeing you at the park or Costco."  To which I wanted to reply... who told?!?!?!?!?!?  Yeah... bedrest with two kids isn't happening the way it should! :)  

At 36 weeks all in all I'm feeling great.  I always think at this point... this is when I already had Jacob! It's so crazy to think like that! No swelling, minimal weight wedding rings still fit.  :)  Just exhausted... other than that... :)  

Oh... and don't tell but YES... I did take the kids to the park today! I couldn't help it, it was BEAUTIFUL! :)  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Busy Day... Dance Class, Speech & Bubbles!

Today was a very busy day... probably too busy for a gal that is suppose to be on "modified bedrest" but we had fun and at the end of the day that is what matters most! We started the day at the library for a dance class.  Both Jacob & Grace had fun... didn't do much dancing more "observation"!! We even checked out a couple of books and movies and walked back to Doe's.  The library is very close to Doe's so it was Jacob's idea that I "do him a favor" and we walk to the library.  I told him it might rain so he said I could drive... I didn't, but it only sprinkled on our way back. 
The kids dancing... well observing! (Jacob stood on the "3" the whole time!) 
Checking out their stamps!

Check out this cute clip of them at the library dance class! Watch Jacob's right hand... hilarious!

I also had to take Jacob to speech today (until I was told I cannot be in the building... he goes to speech in the same building I teach at and district policy does not allow staff to be in the building if they are on a leave or disability).  He had is IEP (individual education plan) for speech so we went over that while the kids played.  He has made HUGE gains in one years time. There are still some sounds he needs work on and most are developmental (r he says wabbit instead of rabbit, n he says wife instead of knife, s blends continue to be difficult for him and a few others) over all he could have probably been de-certified but we are keeping him in so that he can get these and not fall further behind.  I'm so happy with the progress he has made... so is his speech teacher. I talked with her about begindergarten and why I feel so strongly that he will need it.... she thinks he is a very smart boy but like I told her he seems "behind" to me in certain things and I think an extra year would help me.  The fact that he has four year olds (some of them since november or december) in his nursery school class and he is barely 3.5 is the reason for this huge gap, and that is why I feel so strongly about it.  I have been told by many not to make decisions yet, and I haven't... just strong feelings!

Tonight after dinner and some playdough fun we jumped into the tub.  Here is some cute video of the kids playing with their bubble blower from Bets & Pa.  They just love this thing!! :) And yes... our tub water is pink! Tub colors are a huge hit around here... so don't be alarmed! 

Baby's Room!

Well we are pretty much ready for our newest addition... we have the room ready to go (our room) and just need to get a few more pieces of baby gear out once the time gets a little closer. We also have been washing clothes and getting all that together along with "thinking" about putting my hospital bag together... YIKES. Here are a couple of pictures of the baby's furniture (Jacob's old stuff) in our room.  I do have to say although I'm not hot on the fact that we have it all in our room but her bedding looks so nice! The funny thing is it was our cheapest bedding purchase yet (just carter's stuff and a dust ruffle from Target I got on clearance (matched perfectly) that Doe added some brown satin ribbon to).  It is a beautiful pink/chocolate brown combo (which I LOVE!).  I am and have always been partial to white furniture for a baby, but since Grace is still using our original white set this will have to do! 

Changing Table & Dresser... again another one of my partialities... I don't care for the traditional changing table I like somewhere to "put" things and I don't want everyone to have to see it all! You can also see our glider and diaper disposal thing!

A close up side view of the crib and bedding... notice Doe's awesome dust ruffle. It looks so much nicer in person! :)

Inside the crib... the sheet is a pink/brown geometric type pattern and the bumper is a soft, soft, soft velour bumpy type thing... all in pink! Click on the picture to make it bigger and see more detail.

A shot of the crib... you can also see the changing table/dresser in the background.  
I know the pictures aren't the best since it is such a tight area but it gives you an idea! 

Monday, April 20, 2009

35 Week Doctor's Visit

Today after my first day back to work after spring break I had my doctor's visit.  I went to see Dr. Torok and right off the bat I was off to a bad start.  My blood pressure had went from 108/68 at my last visit to 145/90 this time.  When Dr. Torok came in he said he'd check it again after I had been sitting for a bit.  We did the rest of my check up... heartbeat sounded great and I'm measuring right on target.  Dr. Torok also felt the baby and said she felt great and was head down.  I then had my GBS (group B strep test) done and was "checked".  I have remained the same since my last visit.  We then chatted and he decided to take my blood pressure again (3 more times) all that ended in results at or over 135/90.  So... he said he just didn't feel comfortable due to my history with pre-eclampsia and PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) to just let me go.  He wanted to see me back on Friday and I was going to be sent to triage for more tests.  SO.... off I went.  (mind you I had no lunch yet and was SO hungry!).  I arrived at triage about 2:15.  They hooked me up to the monitor and commented on how awesome the baby looked.  A few nurses even recognized me... sad since I was last there with Grace 2 years ago! They began to monitor my blood pressure (which remained at about 135/85 in the laying position).  I also had blood work done.  After about 2 hours the nurse came back in and said she was going to call Dr. Chu and they would probably do a 24 urine collection (on Thursday) and then I would take it to my doctor's visit on Friday.  She also said I would most likely be pulled from work due to previous history.  Around 5 she came back (yeah that process took an hour) and gave me my 24 hour urine collection and a note for work.  So... after a pretty uneventful 35 weeks I had my first visit to triage.  Oh what memories it brought back! I was so ready to be done with work... my mind just wasn't in it after the break.  Physically I was exhausted but mentally I wasn't quiet as ready.  Still tonight I'm a bit "sad" to have went out without saying good-bye.  :( 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another childhood craving!

Corn nuts... the ranch kind.  Now all I need is a banana shake (in the packet circa 1980's) to wash them down!

Grace's Trick Of The WEEK!

So our little girl decided to figure out how to get her arms out of her seatbelt... she is such a stinker! Jacob never did anything like that, never even tried! He is just so good and such a by the book kid, its hard to "think" like Gracie does sometimes! Now we know to really STRAP her in GOOD! The worst part is they recently both got moved to the back of the van so when she does it I have to pull over to get her back in... in the mean time Jacob is hollering to me that she is out! 

Our Week Together...At A Glance!

On my week off for spring break the kids & I had a very BUSY week! Some of the things we got accomplished were:
-baby's bed is DONE!
-we went to get baby sister a baby book!
-Jacob's closet is organized!
-car seat in for new baby & Jacob & Gracie's is moved to the back!
-AND... most importantly we were able to go up north and enjoy some beautiful weather! The kids had a blast playing outside and on the beach (socks & shoes off... little toes in the sand!)

We did alot of fun little things this week and even just took some time to hang out.  Jacob was able to have quite a few pajama days... his favorite! They were big helpers with me on errands and behaved super good through all our trips!  

Doe even let Mommy have a day off (THANKS DOE!) to get some things done around the house.  I am no where near caught up or ready completely for the baby's arrival but I felt better after having that day to get some things done.  I wished I would have had a little more time, but it just didn't happen that way! 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Such good siblings!!

Jacob has really been loving up the baby lately! He is always wanting to kiss and hug my belly and talk to his baby sister.  He gets very excited about getting things ready for her... and if you ask him she is already named (we'll see about that).  He is just so happy and excited about her arrival... it really melts my heart! Tonight after I laid him in bed he asked twice to hug and kiss his baby~ what a sweetheart! The only "downfall" is that he keeps asking when my stomach is going to get small like his again! YIKES!! He is his father's son... too bad it will never be as small as his! 
Grace doesn't really seem to get it... I'm not sure she really understands any of it.  She does point and say baby "sometimes" but I think she is still a bit young.  HOWEVER... I have no doubt she will be a "perfect" big sister.  She is so motherly and really loves "babies" and her brother! It would surprise the heck out of me if she was anything but loving and excited about the baby once she arrives.  Grace was really meant to be a big sister!! 


We had such a nice Easter Sunday.  We spent the morning with Greg's family at brunch at Cherry Creek (Jacob loved the chocolate chip pancakes and Grace dove right into her oreo cheesecake!) and then headed back for a fun egg hunt (which both kids loved... Jacob went crazy getting eggs and Grace had to open each one as she found them!) and baskets.  The funny thing about the egg hunt is Jacob would pick up the eggs and shake them.  If they didn't make noise he put them back down... silly boy! Those were the ones with dollar bills! Then we headed to see my family, my Grandma, my Aunt and my Mom's cousin.  The kids were so tired, yet they had to scope out what the bunny had brought them there.  Then they took their naps... woke up... ate more! (Doe's dinner was very yummy, and very much appreciated! And Gigi... the strawberry pie was DEEEEEE-licious).  We also watched my 4d ultrasound and had fun just hanging out and playing with the kids and dogs (Abby & Sophie or as Grace calls her "Fofe" or Jacob's name "Sofa", lol) Everyone was beat by the time we got home we all crashed! Jacob & Grace were so spoiled it was almost like Christmas again... lucky kids! I'll post pictures soon... I promise! 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Little PUNKY!!

So... let me preface this post by first saying those of you that really "know" me will really enjoy this! 

My Dad always called me "Punky".  I always loved Punky Brewster (took her into surgery with me when I was 7, and I would have sworn she lived in the same court as my Grandma... Brewster Court!).  It was just something I loved... and thus I got the nickname.  Well I now know my Gracie is my little "Punky".  This girl LOVES to be mismatched... picture it.  Cute outfit, RED CROCS (that were given to Jacob) and two different pony tail holders in, and that "stinkin'" purple coat (she LOVES her purple coat and has to wear it all the time.... cries for it! One day Greg & I were talking about that "stinkin' coat" so now Jacob calls it that!).  Another day... Beautiful Easter dress, purple minnie crocs, her pink spring coat.  I could describe day after day like this... the girl just is not my child in this regards... she wants it her way or NO WAY! AND... I'm convinced my Dad has alot to do with this! 

Friday, April 10, 2009

New Pictures Up...

New pictures are up on the links to the right... Grace's birthday party, birthday dinner and our trip to Weigands to see the bunny! ENJOY!

Just in case you didn't believe it...

WE ARE MOVING!!! (well at least our house is for sale!)

As you can see Jacob is so excited and Grace just follows his lead so she is still a bit unsure! And... you can catch a quick glimpse of the reason why I was so disappointed in my pictures from portrait innovations (don't they look adorable in their outfits??)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Letter From Mommy For Gracie...At 2

April 5, 2009

Dear Little Miss Gracie Lou,
I can scarcely believe that it has been two years since I first held you, heard your cry for the first time as you let the whole room know how you felt about being out of your safe, warm little nest inside my tummy, how I knew right from the very first minute that a dream was coming true for me- a dream that turned out to be infinitely more abundantly wonderful than I could ever have asked for or even imagined. I loved everything about you right from the start- that little brown fuzz we called "hair", replaced with your beautiful blondish brown crazy hair that is almost always sprouting off the top of your head- I loved the way your eyes looked right into mine as if you were trying even from those first minutes to discover who I was- I loved how your newborn body just nestled right in next to me, as if you knew on some deep level that you were safe with me. Amazingly you still have the love of being close to me... as you are "Mommy's Girl" (you tell us that often) my little peanut is such a warm loving individual, you always have been and that has created such a closeness for us. Having you as my daughter was one of the really greatest experiences of my whole life. And now you are two! Gone forever is that little baby who stole my heart and took over our home- there are times I miss that small stage- but mostly, you are just a TON of fun now that you are TWO! I think two is going to be more Terrific than Terrible. :) I love how you talk to me now so fluently and tell me all about the world from your perspective. I thought it might be fun for you (and me!) to look back someday on what you are like at two years old, so here are some of the things I've learned about you.
Things You Can Do Now
-Feed yourself with spoon and fork, drink from a water bottle
-Speak in sentences
-Walk run, climb
-Go down a slide by yourself
-Color... well scribble!
-Go on the potty! (sometimes)
Favorite Things You Say:
-"Grease" AKA Grace
- GREEN... your FAVORITE color... the only one if you ask you!
-"That Funny"
-"I NEED Mommy" (instead of saying almost always say NEED)
-"Mommy's Girl"
-"Ootz" (her version of OOPS!)
-"Bad Grease" (When you know you are being bad, you say BAD GREASE... yes you are currently calling yourself GREASE!!)
-"Bye Shoes" (etc) how you have to tell EVERYTHING goodbye!
-I hurt/I cold- I love the mixed up grammar you use! :)
Things You Love
-Spaghetti, pizza, cookies, carrots... of course DIPS are also so popular with you (ranch, nacho cheese, peanut butter!)
-You LOVE to eat!
-Your "KNEE" (your blanket... all other blankets are called blankets, duh!)
-The Outdoors
-Minnie Mouse or Wiggles
-Babies... you are oh, so motherly!
-Songs! You loved to be sung too!!
-Medicine... you love getting medicine! When Jacob has it, you have to too!
-Jacob & WHATEVER Jacob does... you have to do too! "I do it!" you tell us, you are so independent!
-Helping Mommy cook and "making suffing" in your own kitchen. You enjoy licking beaters and helping out like that!
-Abby (A-EE), or Sonny (any yellow lab!) They tolerate you so well.
Who You Are at Two:
-You are very warm and affectionate, love hugs and being close- but don't like being confined!
-You are unusually empathetic and compassionate: you always seem to have a "radar" for other people who are hurting around you and want to comfort them.
-You are really growing in independence and this great drive to do things by yourself. Sometimes getting shoes on is quite an ordeal because you want to do it yourself but don't quite have the manual dexterity to do it- and, I suppose, we are too often in a hurry!
-Although you have been generally a pretty compliant child, we are starting to see a bit of a stubborn streak- when you decide that you want to put your little foot down about something, there is just nothing that's going to move you! This will serve you well later in life... but does make life a bit hard at times when what you want isn't good for you and I have to say no! OR when I just want my way... I guess you are more like Mommy than we know!
-You're very social- generally more interested in the people in a room than the toys or other objects there. You often just watch other kids as they do things... at least for a minute before diving in!
-You don't really seem to crave the "stage" or the limelight of a large group of people- you're often shyer in a group than you are with a small number of people you know well. But you just light up with the affection and admiration of the people who really matter in your life.
And dear one, you are so extravagantly loved! Gracie, I hope someday you enjoy reading about yourself at this really exciting stage in life. I know we are in for a wild, fun ride from two to three and I'm excited!! I am so blessed to be your mommy.
All my love, Mommy

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

34 Week Doctor's Visit...

Today I had a doctor's visit with Dr. Torok. The appointment went really well... my weight gain is great, thyroid was great, and my blood pressure was SUPER (108/68) :). Do you believe it??
We talked about my sinus issues and he did give me a list of things I can take, so I'm going to get some Tylenol sinus ASAP! I told him I was starting to have some contractions (nothing consistent) he told me that since this is my third time around my uterus (whom he said has a memory! SMART GAL!) is probably starting to practice since it knows what to do. He decided to check me since we did have a 36 weeker... and he told me that in two days (34 weeks exactly) they won't stop labor since the babies are usually JUST FINE at that point! We talked about how dilation can mean NOTHING or EVERYTHING... you just never know. He said I was fingertip dilated and "long". He does want to see my back in 1-2 weeks, aka 1.5 weeks. Since I'll be up north next week I made my appointment for the 20th. He also said we can schedule my induction at 36 weeks or so... they will have their schedule set up by then for that month. One thing I did "catch" from him is that he said... "So, you still working?" I said yeah, one more day till I have 1o days off for spring break... he said "Oh yeah... you teach Kindergarten, right?" I have a feeling I'll be "out" soon, we'll see. So... all in all it was another uneventful visit!

Monday, April 6, 2009

2 Year Physical For Gracie!

Today we had our 2 year visit with Dr. Dubina.  Grace was very excited to see the fish... they always love that.  As soon as we got back into the room, it was a totally different story.  She cried so hard... only stopping to say "I go home, I see brother". After the nurse weighed her and checked her height we had a few more minutes before Dr. Dubina came in.  She looked her over and said she looked and sounded great.  She isn't concerned about her mole on her chest or the little spots on her nose (she had them as a baby too).  She asked about her diet... was impressed with how much she ate.  She gave the go ahead to switch to % milk instead of the whole. We also discussed her gross motor (good at almost anything except coming down steps... but since she was a late walker, nothing to be concerned about).  We also talked about potty training... I told her she has times when she is very interested but I'm not pushing it, she agreed that it probably wouldn't do any good anyways with the new baby coming, as they tend to regress when new babies come along.  I told her I'd rather train her when the weather is nicer and we have less to get off anyways... she agreed with that too!! Dr. Dubina was very impressed with her vocabulary and sentence structure.  Not only does she say alot of words, she speaks in alot of phrases/sentences for someone her age.  I was laughing because on her "2 year sheet" of things she should be doing it said... start to brush their teeth! Geez... she has been doing this since she had teeth! She always has to do whatever Jacob does!! The doc asked if she participates in "imaginary play"... yup... no doubt about that!  Her "reaction" to sunscreen we had on vacation she said is common for kids her age and she said to use Neutrogena since it is fragrance free.  So we'll give that a whirl this summer.  All in all our little girl looks great.  Still no 2 year molars, but they'll be here soon enough! Her current weight is 27 lbs 11 oz and her height is 34 inches. We also had the HEP A shot (I guess there is an increase of this type of illness due to people not washing hands when they prepare food, yuck) and we had a CBC. Gracie left a trail of blood... the nurse said she was "quite the bleeder", I'm just hoping our iron is ok this time. Let's just say Grace was very excited to leave and see her brother!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Jacob has been really into the LEAP FROG LETTER FACTORY movie... he now recognizes the J & O.  Some other letters he gets occasionally and he is really starting to match up sounds too.  (You know what that means... so does GRACE)

Grace's BUSY Birthday!

Today we had such a busy, busy day.  It was our little girl's second birthday and we wanted to make it so super special for her!  We started off by heading to Weigand's to see the Easter bunny! To sum it up... Grace screamed bloody murder, Jacob loved the bunny... hugged and kissed all over him! We saw some old friends... and once again had many comments on how much Jacob looks like Uncle Tim.  GO figure!  While we were at Weigands we even got to see real bunnies and one week old chicks... both kids absolutely loved this.  The looks on their faces were priceless!!! Then we headed to the balloon stand... ZIPPY the clown made Jacob a yellow balloon ball game, and Grace got a purple and pink flower!  Doe even got them a bag of their FAVORITE (popcorn) before we left!! From there we headed to Gigi's.  We had leftovers from Grace's party and then the kids & and DADDY took nice naps!  That night we took the kids to Red Robin for dinner. Grace loves being sung too... and they both LOVED the ice cream sundae's that came along with the songs!  After dinner we headed back to take a "tubby" and use some of Grace's bathtub birthday gifts!  What a busy, lucky girl!! The kids were so tired they went to bed right away!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grace's 2nd Birthday PARTY!!

Tonight we had Gracie's 2nd birthday party! It was a blast!! Since we have been home from Disney she has really been into Minnie Mouse... so we decided on that as our theme.  We had the "Glamour Minnie ... hot pink & white polka-a-dots" plates and then we incorporated hot pink, yellow and turquoise.  The kids had a pinata... it was a huge hit.  People are still "chatting" with me about it! Like I said.... leave it to a pregnant gal to fill a pinata... GOOD STUFF!  All of our close family & friends came and Grace was surrounded by so much love! We had her some of her favorite foods (carrots, pizza, pasta salad, breadsticks, cupcakes (hot pink), minnie mouse rice krispie treats, and a special Minnie Mouse cake made just for her by her DOE!).  Doe always makes the kids cakes for their birthdays and they turn out so cute! Grace had fun opening gifts (with the help of Jacob... ok so mainly Jacob opening them and her wanting to play with them). She got oodles of nice things... as usual.  She got plenty of cute outfits, outside toys (she LOVES being outside), babies, bathtub stuff (another favorite spot of hers), and SO MUCH MORE!  Even basketball helped her out... since State was playing alot of State fans were wearing GREEN... her favorite color! We kept asking her about her party... if she had a good time... and she kept saying "YEAH, Minnie!".  So cute.  I was so pleased with how everything turned out... we all had an awesome time.  Thanks to everyone for ALL of the nice compliments on the party, it means alot to hear people enjoy my hard work and had a great time! :)  ALSO... thanks to my good friend Christi for venturing out with a new baby... Averie's first party! :) Christi was even kind enough to call me and see if I needed her to pick up anything for the party, how sweet is that?!?!?!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The "Silver Lining"...

So we had a MUCH better day today!!
I did happen to think of something from our "photo shoot" yesterday that is still making me laugh.

While taking my pregnancy photos the photographer actually said to me "Can you stick out your stomach a little more... I can't see it!" HAHAHAHA.. she had to be kidding, although honestly she didn't look or act like she was!!

We started to celebrate Gracie's birthday tonight... with Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets.  Grace nibbled off the breading.  Jacob ate three... total role reversal there.  We want to make the whole weekend special for her!! She even said GO GREEN tonight! (that's for you Bubba!!) Her fav color is green... I think she had a little coaching from Daddy (the big U of M fan!). So if your coming tomorrow to her party... and read this WEAR GREEN for her!! She LOVES GREEN!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crappy Mom Day...

So many times I feel as if everyone only shares their "glorious" moments on blogs... I have recently found another blog that really comforts me in motherhood as this woman comments on her "faults" with her own children... and the fact that she is human and gets irritated and makes "bad choices" herself.
Today was just one of those days for me... for a while I've been feeling very overwhelmed.  That coupled with lack of sleep, the nausea that I'm still having, and the running around I've been doing for Grace's party, pictures and all that good stuff.
Wouldn't you know it... the kids both took crappy naps today (Jacob totaled one hour... Grace 2.5 (neither of which are normal for them!)).  Once they got up they were in relatively good spirits until it came time to eat.  No one wanted to eat...UGH.  Mind you we had our picture appointment tonight in which I was attempting to capture way too many moments (spring pics, Jacob 3.5 years, Grace 2 years, and maternity pictures). Jacob seemed excited about the pictures, showing me his adorable smile and getting all handsome with hair spikes and all. Grace wanted to wear Jacob's shoes, do her own hair and try to burn her finger on my curling iron.  Needless to say she was in tears before we even left... she was not liking her shoes... still wanting Jacob's! Once we got there everyone seemed to be doing good again... Mommy even had a breather in the car with a nice peaceful ride on the way there.  When we went to start the pictures no one wanted to go first.  Jacob wanted Grace to go and she wanted nothing to do with that.  We finally convinced Jacob to go first and he was totally uncooperative.  Not smiling, putting his hands by his face, and wiggling his feet all around.  Then came Grace... we tried them together, got a couple of good pics.  We then did some changing and maternity pictures.  This is where we went downhill... and fast.  Grace didn't want anything but to be held and kept saying "I done!"  I was pulling out every bribe in the book (staying up late, rice krispy treats, more playtime outside... you name it, I tried it!) Jacob was no being cooperative, which made me a little more happy. 
Let's just say I was very disappointed... never got the adorable picture I wanted of Grace sitting on the number 2 block with her black and white dress on.  Never got a picture of them in their 2nd outfit together.  Never got more than one shot of them with my belly.  
I picked out my pictures... and sobbed the whole way home.  Did they realize that I spent weeks trying to find the perfect outfits for them?  Did they realize how tired I was, yet how perfect I wanted these to be so we could share them with friends and family? Did they realize I had their hair looking FANTASTIC?  Nails cut, bathed, etc, etc, etc?  No... of course they didn't realize this, how could I expect them too?  They are so young! 
I didn't let Jacob have any treats when we got home, no Mickey Mouse, nothing.  He went to bed crying just as hard as me.  I felt horrible... how could I make him feel so bad?  He is such a sensitive soul, and never likes to see anyone hurting.  I was just sad... frustrated... disappointed (in myself).  I know this isn't a glorious Mom moment... nothing exciting, happy, or a pat on the back.  But sometimes we all need to hear others aren't perfect.  I'm not perfect... far from it.  I hope it is obvious that we ALL have days we are not proud of as part of our journey through motherhood.