Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Week Together...At A Glance!

On my week off for spring break the kids & I had a very BUSY week! Some of the things we got accomplished were:
-baby's bed is DONE!
-we went to get baby sister a baby book!
-Jacob's closet is organized!
-car seat in for new baby & Jacob & Gracie's is moved to the back!
-AND... most importantly we were able to go up north and enjoy some beautiful weather! The kids had a blast playing outside and on the beach (socks & shoes off... little toes in the sand!)

We did alot of fun little things this week and even just took some time to hang out.  Jacob was able to have quite a few pajama days... his favorite! They were big helpers with me on errands and behaved super good through all our trips!  

Doe even let Mommy have a day off (THANKS DOE!) to get some things done around the house.  I am no where near caught up or ready completely for the baby's arrival but I felt better after having that day to get some things done.  I wished I would have had a little more time, but it just didn't happen that way! 

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