Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yet Another Doctors Visit Update... & Induction SET!

As promised it was an eventful day so now I'm posting again... before my NEXT appointment which is in just 2 days (Thursday... I'm on a short leash!)
Today I left the kids with my Mom and promised to be back in an hour after my appointment! I went to see Dr. Perry did my usual vitals (I even lost a pound since Friday... how did that happen?) When he came in he mentioned my blood pressure was still elevated AND now I was also "spilling protein" into my urine.  Apparently I was measuring a +2 in protein.  SO.... you guessed it they sent me over to the hospital! UGH!  Oh I should mention that Dr. Perry also said I was measuring a bit small (not sure exactly how much too small) so he wanted me to go for an ultrasound within the next week to check her size. I was checked since I've been having pain/pressure in my right groin area and much to my surprise I'm already dilated to 1-2 cm and slightly effaced.  I haven't had as much pressure this time around so I didn't think I was dilated at all.  After my appointment I headed over to the hospital and they ran labs, did some fetal monitoring and checked my urine and blood pressures.  Everything came back "normal" except for my platelet count (yup... more fun! For those of you who don't know me I've had issues in the past with platelet counts and had to have transfusions due to this).  Luckily it isn't extremely low, but they are going to watch it.  I was also sent with YET ANOTHER 24 hour urine collection, and a note for bedrest.  (Um... still not sure how that is suppose to be happening with 2 kids... HA!) I will go back on Thursday to the doctor and I have my ultrasound on Monday! Whew... they are keeping me really busy.  

On a side note... they did inform me at my appointment that my induction was set up for May 15th at 8 am! Wow... we get to sleep in a bit!  The nurse said since I go fast they didn't think I needed to get there early... well I'm sure Greg will appreciate that! :)  (Last time we got there at 6 AM, although my Mom says she still says it will happen May 11th which is my birthday).  

I think that is it... now back to bedrest and realtor.com since we still are looking like we'll have to be out of the house by 5.26 (yes 12 days after the baby is born!)

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