Monday, April 13, 2009


We had such a nice Easter Sunday.  We spent the morning with Greg's family at brunch at Cherry Creek (Jacob loved the chocolate chip pancakes and Grace dove right into her oreo cheesecake!) and then headed back for a fun egg hunt (which both kids loved... Jacob went crazy getting eggs and Grace had to open each one as she found them!) and baskets.  The funny thing about the egg hunt is Jacob would pick up the eggs and shake them.  If they didn't make noise he put them back down... silly boy! Those were the ones with dollar bills! Then we headed to see my family, my Grandma, my Aunt and my Mom's cousin.  The kids were so tired, yet they had to scope out what the bunny had brought them there.  Then they took their naps... woke up... ate more! (Doe's dinner was very yummy, and very much appreciated! And Gigi... the strawberry pie was DEEEEEE-licious).  We also watched my 4d ultrasound and had fun just hanging out and playing with the kids and dogs (Abby & Sophie or as Grace calls her "Fofe" or Jacob's name "Sofa", lol) Everyone was beat by the time we got home we all crashed! Jacob & Grace were so spoiled it was almost like Christmas again... lucky kids! I'll post pictures soon... I promise! 

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