Monday, April 6, 2009

2 Year Physical For Gracie!

Today we had our 2 year visit with Dr. Dubina.  Grace was very excited to see the fish... they always love that.  As soon as we got back into the room, it was a totally different story.  She cried so hard... only stopping to say "I go home, I see brother". After the nurse weighed her and checked her height we had a few more minutes before Dr. Dubina came in.  She looked her over and said she looked and sounded great.  She isn't concerned about her mole on her chest or the little spots on her nose (she had them as a baby too).  She asked about her diet... was impressed with how much she ate.  She gave the go ahead to switch to % milk instead of the whole. We also discussed her gross motor (good at almost anything except coming down steps... but since she was a late walker, nothing to be concerned about).  We also talked about potty training... I told her she has times when she is very interested but I'm not pushing it, she agreed that it probably wouldn't do any good anyways with the new baby coming, as they tend to regress when new babies come along.  I told her I'd rather train her when the weather is nicer and we have less to get off anyways... she agreed with that too!! Dr. Dubina was very impressed with her vocabulary and sentence structure.  Not only does she say alot of words, she speaks in alot of phrases/sentences for someone her age.  I was laughing because on her "2 year sheet" of things she should be doing it said... start to brush their teeth! Geez... she has been doing this since she had teeth! She always has to do whatever Jacob does!! The doc asked if she participates in "imaginary play"... yup... no doubt about that!  Her "reaction" to sunscreen we had on vacation she said is common for kids her age and she said to use Neutrogena since it is fragrance free.  So we'll give that a whirl this summer.  All in all our little girl looks great.  Still no 2 year molars, but they'll be here soon enough! Her current weight is 27 lbs 11 oz and her height is 34 inches. We also had the HEP A shot (I guess there is an increase of this type of illness due to people not washing hands when they prepare food, yuck) and we had a CBC. Gracie left a trail of blood... the nurse said she was "quite the bleeder", I'm just hoping our iron is ok this time. Let's just say Grace was very excited to leave and see her brother!!

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