Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Little PUNKY!!

So... let me preface this post by first saying those of you that really "know" me will really enjoy this! 

My Dad always called me "Punky".  I always loved Punky Brewster (took her into surgery with me when I was 7, and I would have sworn she lived in the same court as my Grandma... Brewster Court!).  It was just something I loved... and thus I got the nickname.  Well I now know my Gracie is my little "Punky".  This girl LOVES to be mismatched... picture it.  Cute outfit, RED CROCS (that were given to Jacob) and two different pony tail holders in, and that "stinkin'" purple coat (she LOVES her purple coat and has to wear it all the time.... cries for it! One day Greg & I were talking about that "stinkin' coat" so now Jacob calls it that!).  Another day... Beautiful Easter dress, purple minnie crocs, her pink spring coat.  I could describe day after day like this... the girl just is not my child in this regards... she wants it her way or NO WAY! AND... I'm convinced my Dad has alot to do with this! 

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