Monday, April 20, 2009

35 Week Doctor's Visit

Today after my first day back to work after spring break I had my doctor's visit.  I went to see Dr. Torok and right off the bat I was off to a bad start.  My blood pressure had went from 108/68 at my last visit to 145/90 this time.  When Dr. Torok came in he said he'd check it again after I had been sitting for a bit.  We did the rest of my check up... heartbeat sounded great and I'm measuring right on target.  Dr. Torok also felt the baby and said she felt great and was head down.  I then had my GBS (group B strep test) done and was "checked".  I have remained the same since my last visit.  We then chatted and he decided to take my blood pressure again (3 more times) all that ended in results at or over 135/90.  So... he said he just didn't feel comfortable due to my history with pre-eclampsia and PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) to just let me go.  He wanted to see me back on Friday and I was going to be sent to triage for more tests.  SO.... off I went.  (mind you I had no lunch yet and was SO hungry!).  I arrived at triage about 2:15.  They hooked me up to the monitor and commented on how awesome the baby looked.  A few nurses even recognized me... sad since I was last there with Grace 2 years ago! They began to monitor my blood pressure (which remained at about 135/85 in the laying position).  I also had blood work done.  After about 2 hours the nurse came back in and said she was going to call Dr. Chu and they would probably do a 24 urine collection (on Thursday) and then I would take it to my doctor's visit on Friday.  She also said I would most likely be pulled from work due to previous history.  Around 5 she came back (yeah that process took an hour) and gave me my 24 hour urine collection and a note for work.  So... after a pretty uneventful 35 weeks I had my first visit to triage.  Oh what memories it brought back! I was so ready to be done with work... my mind just wasn't in it after the break.  Physically I was exhausted but mentally I wasn't quiet as ready.  Still tonight I'm a bit "sad" to have went out without saying good-bye.  :( 

1 comment:

Erin said...


Wow. First of all I can't belive you are almost ready to deliver! Time flies! Reading your post brought back memories for me w/ my pregnancy w/ Cole (and remembering the comment you left me on MY post about my high blood pressure). Take it easy, girl! I know that because of your history w/ the other 2 this was bound to creep in sooner or later--but taking it a little "easier" from here on out will hopefully let that baby cook a little longer! No doubt she will be adorable! :) Good luck!