Wednesday, April 8, 2009

34 Week Doctor's Visit...

Today I had a doctor's visit with Dr. Torok. The appointment went really well... my weight gain is great, thyroid was great, and my blood pressure was SUPER (108/68) :). Do you believe it??
We talked about my sinus issues and he did give me a list of things I can take, so I'm going to get some Tylenol sinus ASAP! I told him I was starting to have some contractions (nothing consistent) he told me that since this is my third time around my uterus (whom he said has a memory! SMART GAL!) is probably starting to practice since it knows what to do. He decided to check me since we did have a 36 weeker... and he told me that in two days (34 weeks exactly) they won't stop labor since the babies are usually JUST FINE at that point! We talked about how dilation can mean NOTHING or EVERYTHING... you just never know. He said I was fingertip dilated and "long". He does want to see my back in 1-2 weeks, aka 1.5 weeks. Since I'll be up north next week I made my appointment for the 20th. He also said we can schedule my induction at 36 weeks or so... they will have their schedule set up by then for that month. One thing I did "catch" from him is that he said... "So, you still working?" I said yeah, one more day till I have 1o days off for spring break... he said "Oh yeah... you teach Kindergarten, right?" I have a feeling I'll be "out" soon, we'll see. So... all in all it was another uneventful visit!

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