Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Busy Day... Dance Class, Speech & Bubbles!

Today was a very busy day... probably too busy for a gal that is suppose to be on "modified bedrest" but we had fun and at the end of the day that is what matters most! We started the day at the library for a dance class.  Both Jacob & Grace had fun... didn't do much dancing more "observation"!! We even checked out a couple of books and movies and walked back to Doe's.  The library is very close to Doe's so it was Jacob's idea that I "do him a favor" and we walk to the library.  I told him it might rain so he said I could drive... I didn't, but it only sprinkled on our way back. 
The kids dancing... well observing! (Jacob stood on the "3" the whole time!) 
Checking out their stamps!

Check out this cute clip of them at the library dance class! Watch Jacob's right hand... hilarious!

I also had to take Jacob to speech today (until I was told I cannot be in the building... he goes to speech in the same building I teach at and district policy does not allow staff to be in the building if they are on a leave or disability).  He had is IEP (individual education plan) for speech so we went over that while the kids played.  He has made HUGE gains in one years time. There are still some sounds he needs work on and most are developmental (r he says wabbit instead of rabbit, n he says wife instead of knife, s blends continue to be difficult for him and a few others) over all he could have probably been de-certified but we are keeping him in so that he can get these and not fall further behind.  I'm so happy with the progress he has made... so is his speech teacher. I talked with her about begindergarten and why I feel so strongly that he will need it.... she thinks he is a very smart boy but like I told her he seems "behind" to me in certain things and I think an extra year would help me.  The fact that he has four year olds (some of them since november or december) in his nursery school class and he is barely 3.5 is the reason for this huge gap, and that is why I feel so strongly about it.  I have been told by many not to make decisions yet, and I haven't... just strong feelings!

Tonight after dinner and some playdough fun we jumped into the tub.  Here is some cute video of the kids playing with their bubble blower from Bets & Pa.  They just love this thing!! :) And yes... our tub water is pink! Tub colors are a huge hit around here... so don't be alarmed! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the videos. I'm LMAO at Jacob's hand motions, hilarious! Love those two!! Cute bedroom for baby too.