Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jacob at 3.5 years old

I can't believe Jacob is 3.5 years old already! I look at him and think about how small he once was and can't believe he is running around talking and taking such good care of those around him.  He is such a helpful, loving, caring child (for the most part... we all have our days, right?) He is so protective of his sisters and even more so of his Mom!  He doesn't want anyone to be sad or upset... EVER.  I can't wait to see where the next year takes him... he has grown up so quickly and become amazingly more smart (I've always thought of him as a smart boy, but his knowledge continues to grow every day since starting school).  He knows letters, sounds, numbers and has gained so much in his social development it is exciting to see.  He still loves being outdoors and helping out with jobs around the house.  He is such a Mommy's boy... in more ways than one. One of the biggest things he does that reminds me of "me" is his attention to detail, that and he always wants to be clean and match! He has recently become much more into coloring (in the lines) and his scribbles have begun to take more form.  He has even gotten much better with writing his name... still nothing that looks like "Jacob" but we do have what looks like a "J" and small things after it he calls "ACOB".  I'm so proud of the little boy he is, the best one... that is what I tell him ALL the time! He has always been sooooooo good though so I'm not sure why this would surprise me. Never into climbing, running away, or anything that gives parents grief.  He explored and observed in his mind watching those around him and had obviously learned a great deal because of it! He continues to be tall and solid... but when he has his clothes off he is pretty thin (just like Daddy!).  I love him more each and every day!

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