Friday, April 24, 2009

36 Weeks & Doctor's Visit!

So today I had another doctor's visit to recheck the high blood pressure and to check on baby. (Yes... twice in one week!! Just like with Grace, and it will be like this from here on out!). My blood pressure is still elevated.  I completed my 24 hour urine collection and although I thought I could turn it in there... I couldn't so that had to go to the hospital after my appointment and be accompanied by a blood draw.  At my appointment Dr. Mikula & I discussed my induction.  It will be on May 15th and since I'm an "early dialator" I won't have to go in the night before.  She informed me that the "boys" are on in the morning and "girls" in the afternoon on Fridays.  So if the baby is delivered in the morning she will be delivered by Dr. Torok (same as Grace) and if it is in the after she will be delivered by Dr. Chu.  Either way I'm fine with it.  I love all the doctors there, so it doesn't much matter to me.  Dr. Torok was also there today and I talked with him a bit on my way out he mentioned that is his daughter's birthday and he thinks he'll be the one to deliver... they both seemed to think it is going to happen VERY quickly this time.  I hope they are right!!! :)  Dr. Mikula also checked the baby's heartbeat... which was very, very high.  190's and higher... I could feel her moving and Dr. Mikula could see her moving so she wasn't too worried but wanted me to have a non-stress test.  Problem being... if there was someone in labor I would have to go to the hospital with her. If no one was laboring I could remain in the office and have it done.  Must have been my lucky day... no one was laboring! :)  So they hooked me up... and baby looked "beautiful". So I got to go home... we'll I still did have to go to the hospital for that lovely urine collection. UGH! I also talked with Dr. Mikula briefly about work... she asked if I had been written out and I said "Yes, for the week".  She said... "No... now its till delivery!". So no more work.  I said how excited I was to be going and enjoying the beautiful day... and that baby would be happy too!  She said to me... "Now remember you are on bedrest... taking it easy... your principal should not be seeing you at the park or Costco."  To which I wanted to reply... who told?!?!?!?!?!?  Yeah... bedrest with two kids isn't happening the way it should! :)  

At 36 weeks all in all I'm feeling great.  I always think at this point... this is when I already had Jacob! It's so crazy to think like that! No swelling, minimal weight wedding rings still fit.  :)  Just exhausted... other than that... :)  

Oh... and don't tell but YES... I did take the kids to the park today! I couldn't help it, it was BEAUTIFUL! :)  

1 comment:

Jenn K said...

The PARK???? never could follow the rules could you? Rules are meant to be broken, just don't tell the kids that.

That's okay, I am sure the fresh air is AWESOME for you.

Pretty soon you will be a family of 5! It FLEW by.