Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Things I've Been "Craving"!!

I know you have ALL been waiting on pins and needles to find out if I would ever find my "beloved" banana shakes (packet form only!) that my Dad used to bring home for me... well I did today!! Vince & Joe's had them and I was sooooooooooooooo excited! I even got an orange and strawberry one! :) Now my craving collection (childhood cravings coming through) is complete or shall I say up to date! Since I do have two weeks left who knows what I'll crave next! I can't wait to eat it... soon, VERY soon!

My second craving I've been having has been for a pair of "Lelli Kelly's" (adorable little tennis shoes that have alot of beading on them) for Grace. So... after I took Jacob to school today we headed to "Michele's" for some good old shoe fun! I was a bit worried that she wouldn't take to them, since she is in love with her little Nike's but low and behold she did! Everywhere we have been since she has gotten a ton of compliments... which she just eats right up! The shoe guy & I talked for quite a while about these adorable shoes.... and I had a hard time deciding between some of them... but I think these are "her". Aren't they just the CUTEST thing you have ever seen... in my option EVERY girl must own a pair. The shoe guy & I agreed... they just go with EVERYTHING! :)


Leah said...

Those shoes are soooo cute! I want to buy a pair for my girls. I've never heard of them. I hope they have a website....I'm looking now!

Anonymous said...

I have some ranch corn nuts for you!!!