Monday, April 27, 2009

The Verdict Is IN!

We have had an eventful few days... so I thought I better post soon since tomorrow there will be another update on yet ANOTHER doctor's visit.  I'll start with Friday...
So Friday we had a showing at our house at 11:30... by 5pm there was an offer on it.  (First showing by this couple).  The weekend was spent signing paperwork, counter-offering, thinking about moving, and looking for new houses for us.  All of our paperwork and offers have been accepted and signed so now we just have to wait on an inspection and appraisal.  We should know in the next week or so if everything is official.  The best/worst part is... they want to close on May 26th.  LESS THAN 30 days from today!  We went looking on Sunday with the kids.... they loved all the houses ... especially the bedrooms and big closets!  We found some we like and some we want to look at, so keep fingers crossed that everything works out the way it should for us! :)
Today... after a busy morning of taking Jacob to school and my car in for some "issues" I had an appointment with Dr. McIntosh about my gall bladder.  I haven't had any issues with it in a while but Dr. Torok (my OB/GYN) wanted me to get it checked out since it did have stones and basically he thought I should establish with him, just in case something went crazy with it prior to my delivery.  Well he said it needs to come out... there were stones in it during my last ultrasound and although they could be gone he advised it would be better to just remove it. The funniest part was when he asked about if I've ever had "nausea or vomiting"... yeah... but I have chalked it up to pregnancy! Who knows if this could have something to do with it!  So... come July (about 8 weeks post partum) I'll be having it removed.  It is a fairly common surgery... but it does come with risks.  I won't go into them, but he scared me when he was going through them! I will need to pump /dump  due to anesthesia.... 
They are calling this week to schedule the surgery... I'll keep you posted! 

1 comment:

Erin said...

Congrats on selling your house!! How exciting for you guys! I only hope we should get so lucky!! ;)

Sorry to hear you have to get your gall bladder close after giving birth! We'll keep you in our prayers! :)

Good luck with everything these next few weeks! I hope it all goes smoothly and as planned! :)